
Why won't AL GORE debate on Global Warming?

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reason: he has too much to lose.




  1. because global warming is a known fact, there is no need to debate. it would be a waste of time and would be too emarrassing to  the opponent.

  2. because he's a commi

  3. Because he doesn't want to be made to look like a fool, and as long as his minions of green freaks believe his BS why should he rock the boat with facts?

  4. Because he won't have anything to answer once he is faced with the truth... pure science!

  5. You are right - he has too much to lose - so why ask the question.

    (pulls soapbox out).

    Al Gore is making a mint on scaring people about global warming while not doing c**p about it himself.  Look into the ecological impacts between Al Gore's home and George Bush's home and tell me which one is "greener".

    There is not debate when one party throws out random statements and does not look at the underlying science.   From what I've read, the scientific community all agrees that we are currently going through a slight warming period of the earth - HOWEVER - no one has bulletproof causal evidence of what causes it.  We have much better instrumentation and measurement technology than we did 20 years ago (or 100 or 200) and can measure very small fluctuations in the earths temperature in different regions.  This does not mean we are going to die!!!!!!

    (puts soapbox away)

  6. Because he couldn't be the president of the free world, so now he's going to hold it hostage with fear mongering! Like a mad little kid he's trying to get back at you for hurting his feelings. He should shut up and be happy in his giant energy sucking mansion!!

  7. Even politicians can not lie that much

  8. Because the debate is pretty much over.  AGW is occurring.  It is not worth the time to try to fix "stupid."

  9. For 3 reasons:

    1) He's not a scientist.  The debate has already occurred between climate scientists in the pages of peer reviewed scientific journals and at scientific conferences.

    2) It would only give a false credibility to those still trying to discredit the science.  You won't find a lot of evolutionary biologists debating young earth creationists, because that would only give the appearance of there still being a lot of doubt about the validity of the theory of evolution.

    3) Public debates aren't about determining the truth (as the audience seldom has sufficient knowledge to separate the wheat from the chaff).

  10. Science has nothing to do with debates.  Science has to do with the numbers, not who's the best orator.

    With the current thinking on "global warming" there is no connection between co2 and temperatures.  This isn't debatable.

  11. He prefers to say anything he wants without other people confusing the issue with inconvenient facts.


    Joe C,

    I can see why people need to go to places like Greenland to observe global warming.  Global temperature data won't do anymore, as it no longer supports the AGW theory, it must be unscientifically disgarded, like Micheal Mann's tree ring data.

  12. I don't know probably the same reason yahoo answers filled with stubborn minded people who don't want to take accountability for their their wasteful lives.

    Global warming is a fact, stop being a lazy, mindless, American consumer.

    Ben O: It certainly should not be disregarded, just because some have made an argument that global temperature data is not enough, and i agree it is not enough we still must consistently conduct research to correctly approach the situation, it does not become void data nor does it mean that it no longer supports AGW.

    There are many contributing factors to the current global warming situation beyond Co2 levels. The earths natural cycles, other gases (N2O), the slight variations in the earths orbit, our own impact on the planet, solar variation, the list is endless. These are all things we must take into account, some things we can not change but some we can. It's not going to kill you to walk a little more, change a light bulb and consume a little less.

  13. Because he's full of s**t

  14. I think that there are several reasons why  AL GORE is incapable of debating the issue of 'Global Warming'!

    1) He seems to be the leader of this movement, and has no scientific background or valid scientific evidence to support his agenda.

    2) He is a politician who will only do whatever it takes to further their political career no matter what the cost may be to the general public.

    3) AL GORE has found a new source of vast income by jumping on the 'Global Warming' hysteria myth.

    I tend to think that Al Gore may actually be well intentioned, but completely misguided do to his serious lack of intelligence or any knowledge of basic science.

    As much as I hate to admit that George W. Bush may have actually done anything right in his administration, it was not signing the 'KYOTO TREATY'!

    This only proves to me that no matter how stupid you are that you can not be wrong 100% of the time no matter how much you may try!

  15. The link to yesterday's question, my reply, and 16 others as of a few moments ago:;...

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