
Why won't Derrick Rose get some treatment for his terrible acne?

by  |  earlier

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He can certainly afford it.

Look at what a terrible mess his face is (he be able to dominate in the NBA simply because no one would want close enough to him to guard him): <and this shot has been airbrushed, so it's actually worse




  1. why  do u care. r u his mommy or r u his boyfiriend

  2. Wonder which will go furher, young Mr. Rose and his basketball prowess ( not to mention all the millions he will earn along the way) acne and all, or the goof who had the mindset and time to ponder that question!

  3. You are a 100% correct

  4. he prolly has it for the reason u stated, no one would want close enough to him to guard him

  5. Is it any of your business,,,,..

  6. get off his meat

  7. i agree with you 110%.

  8. Oh shut up. He&#039;s a kid, still. He&#039;s got acne. So what? It&#039;ll clear as he gets older. The kid can play ball. Who gives a d**n about his acne?

  9. Um, he&#039;s still very young so acne is bound to occur...especially since he sweats so much from b-ball...why do you care anyways? People get acne. Big deal.

  10. He&#039;s what, 19 years old? How can you expect a clear face from him. He&#039;s an athlete anyways, he&#039;s not supposed to be great looking. His acne is not that terrbile. Those will clear up within the year if he has a healthy diet along with treatment.

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