
Why won't McCain let Palin talk to the press?

by Guest58779  |  earlier

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Why won't McCain let Palin talk to the press?




  1. Cause she doesn't know how to talk without someone writing a message for her.

  2. Where is the tough? For all her tough talk, she has to be protected? What a laugh this pair is.

  3. She has been a little busy preparing for the speech of her life.

  4. It's called damage control. She better than anyone knows that which is why she made all the cheap snide remarks lastnite.

  5. Because there aren't in teleprompters around they will script her. She needs to be fed lines to make her sound more appealing.

  6. In what rag did you read that?

  7. WTF - Under what rock have you been hiding?

  8. Because McSame knows just how stupid she is - he can't afford to have her s***w up like he does.....

  9. It is not McCain it is the fear of the liberal Media they tremble when they think about it.

  10. Who says he won't?

    Source, please!  

  11. Why talk to the Liberal Press? They are just part of the DNC. Best to talk directly to the people so they can get an unbiased idea about the candidate. To the liberal media Hussein is the Messiah! Not sure why because he has done nothing much of significance in his life that I can find.

  12. It is to prevent her from getting foot in mouth disease and then having to do damage control. Also to prevent giving the Democrats something that can be used against them. If she was such a great governor why is there still an Alaskan Independence Party that wants to separate from the United States and join Canada?

    BTW, I have an idea, Alaska could join Canada and in return Quebec could become part of the United States. It seems like a fair trade.

  13. He waiting for the joint press conference with Michele.

  14. They are afraid of their questions?

  15. She's a Cheney Republican.  Don't let the people know your for big business and oil companies.

    By the way...Do people really support drilling and looking for more oil...that's not what I see everyday.

  16. he has no way of telling her what to say

  17. He doesn't want her throwing more of her kids under the bus just to dispel silly internet rumours.

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