
Why won't YOU use public transport?

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tbh, the smelly common people irritate me, that's why i don't.




  1. Because of a multitude of reasons.  I live in a town of about 3,000 people, and there is no public transportation except for the county bus that will take low income people to shop or for medical appointments if you schedule it several days in advance.  Also because from the house to the job is about a 25 foot walk to the automotive shop.

    WalMart is about a mile, and unless I'm going for a big or heavy item I sometimes walk there.  I can always count on at least 3 people offering me a ride before I get several blocks past the house.

  2. I do and have never come across anyone smelly...

    It`s greener to use public transport rather than a car......

  3. I prefer to cycle, it's quicker, cheaper and better for me.

  4. Because I have to wake up extra early just to get there on time.

  5. it would be annoying to have to wait to get to where I want to go (meaning stopping to get other passangers or make other stops) I like to just get to where i am going and not waste time (getting there)

  6. I work shifts, and there aren't any buses or trains at 4 in the morning.

    Other than that, I am put off by rude people who put their feet on the seats and insist on sharing their music on their "personal" stereos.

  7. I won't use public transportation because I have a motorcycle and it costs less for me to use that then Public transportation.  Also public transportation doesn't work most of the time when your plans have changed.

  8. There nearest bus & train stop is a town away from my job. Which means I will have to catch a cab and they will charge me approximately $10 dollars which in this case should go to my vehicle. I bites, but what can you do?

  9. They are unreliable and you always get some young yob hanging around and trying to look "Cool" infront of mis friends. Also, the bus drivers are so impolite these days, i'd much rather go in my own car where i know the driver isn't a maniac!

  10. I use the public bus 4 times a day going to school.

  11. well it really the transportation agency because they dont "clean" their buses

  12. I use public transsportation all the time.

    In fact, many people does not ride the public transportation because buses can be late, delay in rush hour traffic.

    Train can be delay also.

    In New York subways, we could smell because only New York City is only one it doesn't enforce no drinking or food.

    For example, in very past, I have taken SEPTA #21 bus to 69th St which was schedule to arrive near 30th St around 11:24, but it get twenty minutes later.

    Another example, weekday Suffolk County Transit S58 toward Hunting Square Mall were schedule to arrive Smith Haven Mall at 12:55, but came in 12 minutes late at 13:07.

    Another example, folks don't ride trains, because Metro-North and Long Island Railroad, along with New Jersey Transit cost too much.

  13. Because I work 26 miles from where I live in a different county.  There aren't services that extend that far.

  14. I wont use public transport because I didnt waste my money on stupid stuff all my life so gas going up makes me more happy that there is less traffic and all the people are on the buses stay to the right

  15. It smells bad, the traffic is always jammed, there are too many people on it and I live 30 minutes walk from work.

  16. too expensive and its difficult with kids.  sometimes its cheaper and easier to take the car - however i do live in the middle of no where and when we move I will be walking more.

  17. I live too far from the pick up point and I don't want to catch colds etc. from people.  I dislike all the pushing and shoving in rush hour (London).

    I am not sure who are worse, 'smelly common people' or pretentious souls who think they are better than them?

  18. Cramming more houses into my home town on so called 'brownfield sites' has ruined my living environment.  I now live in a battery farm for people.  When I look from the back of my house, I see houses.  When I look from the front of my house, I see houses.  The streets are full of people - people I don't know - people with whom I share no sense of community.  I want to escape this 'pollution' not immerse myself in it.

    I used to commute into London by train and found the commuting population selfish and disgusting.  If you are lucky enough to get a seat, you are crammed in so tight it is often painful.  In a block of 6 seats (really big enough for 4) there might be 3-4 people on their mobile phones, conducting their private lives or conducting business, effectively hijacking this  public space.  This is audio graffiti. Then a couple of people start farting which at least helps to mask the smell of the person next to you (whom you are pressed into close physical contact with) who does not know the meaning of personal freshness, deodorant or, apparently, toilet paper.  Then farter No 2 switches their iPOD on so we have the delights of being unable to escape the noise escaping from their earphones.  It is no consolation that the offender will be deaf in 10 years time.  They are polluting this public space today.

    Then there are the people who jump on the train while it is waiting at Liverpool Street Station (the depot at the end of the line), use the toilet and jump off again.  The toilet discharges onto the track and, while RailTrack has tried to install trays to catch the effluent, there is still a foul smell, especially in summer.

    All that delight, naturally, assumes the trains are actually running; that the signalmen or drivers are not on strike again; that the overhead power lines are not down yet again; that the signal wires haven't been damaged or stolen again; that no one has thrown themselves under a train or is threatening to do so .... again, and that, in 90 degree heat on a packed train, the train in front hasn't broken down leaving us stranded for 2 hours between stations ... and all this at the end of another 11-12 hour day.

    I tried local buses when unable to drive last year and found them almost as bad as the trains except that the average train commuter was less likely to be drunk, have a screaming child in tow, or be be having a row with their partner.

    There are other purely practical reasons for using my car - some personal health issues that I won't go into:  A typical scenario might be that I need to get myself, two guitars, an amplifier and a music stand to a town 20 miles away, not on my local railway line, by 8 p.m. returning at a bout 1:00 a.m.  Even if there was a bus, the logistics are impossible and I wouldn't be allowed to take them on the bus anyway.  Another situation: I need a bag of cement, a bag of plaster and an half a dozen 8 foot planks from the DIY store on the far side of town.  Which bus shall I take???  Actually, I can do it on 2 buses at a cost of about £5 each way, or I could drive it in 10-15 minutes and actually be able to bring home the things I need.

    By choice I own a car.  By necessity I own a car.  It costs a lot to own to own a car.  I have to pay road tax and insurance and MOT costs whether I use it or not.  Higher road taxes just announced means it will cost me even more.  Consequently, I'd be daft to use a bus when I am already paying for a vehicle.  To justify my fixed costs, I'm going to use my car whenever I need to make a journey.

    So, why don't I use public transport .... I can't imagine!

  19. Reason #1. No public transit within 10 miles of my home.

    Reason #2. Even if I drove to the nearest bus stop, it would take over 1.5 hours and 3 transfers to go where I can drive in under 30 minutes.

    Reason #3, I live in Phoenix, 4 months out of the year it's over 100 degrees.

    Reason #4. I own 2 cars, an SUV, and a motorcycle, and I can afford the gas.

  20. its expensive, over crowded, smelly, unsafe,

    do you want me to continue.......

    I like to drive so im in control, listen to the radio, travel in comfort.

  21. I have to at the moment until I pass my test. Trust me, I dont use them by choice.

  22. People, neaver enough seats, always too long to wait, TOO EXPENSIVE, always have to get 2 (buses, trains) to get to where you need to be, TOO EXPENSIVE, takes too long to get to the place you need to be.

    Oh, and did I meation TOO EXPENSIVE!!

  23. I refuse to get on a bus until they bring back conductors with the power to throw people off, and help me on and off with  my 2 small children and buggy.

    The buses near me are always full of noisy, smoking, rude, yobs, there's never enough seats free, the drivers are all foreign and no help at all, and the whole vehicle feels generally dirty and threatening.

    Trains aren't much better, especially when you're trying to drag your children along.

    For the price you pay for public transport, the service is terrible.

  24. I would never be able to get all the tools I use for my job onto public transport. The jobs I do are quite often not on the routes used by public transport and it is just isn't reliable enough.

  25. I have to, I have no choice if I want to go to work (which most days I don't).  Some people are gross and horrible!

  26. same reason that I don't

  27. I cant, due to the places I have to go for work either there is very poor public transport or it would take me 3 hours + to do a 20 minute drive. Plus where I live the price of trains is so high its cheaper to run a car.

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