
Why won't a ghost or spirit come and visit me, in person?

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I get them in dreams, sometimes alot....and they have "stories' tell me...I am not sure why they want me to help them, and how would I do this?(I think that they do, but, then again, I am not always certain!!! Hence, this question for you all!

Also, odd, dream, I had a while back...but has there ever been a high school or college football coach that killed a football player at all?(this was a dream of a ghost that I had had, I think in say, 2000 or 2001 or before that!

Something about a highschool and or a college in a "Carmichael Valley" would this by any chance ring any bells?

I just thought that I would go out on a huge limb here, and ask this bizarre question! (The ghost asked me to help him, in this dream!)





  1. no such thing as a ghost. there is an open unclaimed prize for anyone who can present evidence of anything psychic or paranormal. no one has claimed this prize after having thousands of people attempt to claim it. all have been shown to be either fakes, or dillusional (self dillusion or insanity or simply confusion).

    sorry as much as everyone hypes about it and as much as it would be 'cool' for there to be psychic or paranormal things in existance. it doesn't exist.

  2. Because there is no such thing as ghosts. your dreams are just wishful thinking of a highly imaginative mind.

  3. Be warned that the dreamstate has no linear TIME or SPACE

    therefore the things that apear may be out of sequence or  your own subconcios atempts to Decipher an unknown event occuring halfway across the world/dimention...

    When confronted with prophetic dreams I typically am only made aware of moments when my tymeline is at risk of fracuring into an alternate Posibility...

    I have one suggestion or maybe two but don't know how to translate w/o understanding your own disceplines and terminology

    You just E-mailed me anyway

  4. just try to calm yourself.. don't think about it.. if it went again unto your mind, try to communicate with the ghost.. calmly and nicely.. explain your part.. if he/she doesn't listen or believe in you.. keep holding on god's words.. do the toungues.. or always have an esperitista beside you.. just to be secure for an attack..

  5. Well its easier for them to come to you in that state of REM sleep. The vails or thinner. In person your perseption is stronger and the fear keeps them from coming to you..if you get to a certain level of meditation, it may be possible. But that takes practice.

  6. Yeah ghosts tend to visit when you are lucid and awake

  7. Mostly because they don't exist.

  8. cause their is no such thing as ghost or spirits!!! it is sci-fi material.. dreams are dreams.. if you go forward with trying to help this person in your dream, find a shrink to talk too.. they have medicine for this kind of stuff.. and safe places to keep you..

    p.s. santa is not real

  9. Have you considered that your dreams might just be dreams, or worse, demons? I have limited but growing experience with ghosts and poltergeists. I do not believe that dead people linger around and talk to us. I find ghosts to be images or illusions. If they talk to you then more likely it was not human to begin with. There are many parasitic demons lingering around who would benefit from manipulating you. Be careful.

  10. some people are more receptive when they are awake, some when they are asleep.  i have never had one come to me while i was asleep but i see them often when i am awake.  they do exist, there have been times where i have seen one, then asked someone with a camera to take a picture of the area i see something, and there will be nothing there according to anyone else, but as soon as that picture is developed, sure enough, there is a person or some mist, or an orb.  its not a bad thing that they only come to you in your sleep, maybe its when they sense you are most receptive to their stories.  and dont worry about the stories thing, i have had the same thing happen.  i have had ghosts tell me stories of stuff i knew nothing about, then i go research it and find out what the ghost told me was true.  if you do want to be receptive to ghosts while you are awake, perhaps the next time you have a dream with them in it, you can attempt to tell them that they could visit you during the day as well.  

         also, that carmichael dream is pretty groovy, i hope you saw the research someone did for you.  thats pretty d**n receptive of you! you may want to start a journal of dreams every time you have one like this, and write them down, that way it is easier to research when you have the time.

  11. I do believe that ghosts exist, but when you are awake, your conscious self would make it a lot harder for a ghost to visit you.

    When dreaming, your subconscious is more open to this type of experience.

    As for the football player/killer - I don't know, but why don't you do a web search on that stuff, like Carmichael Valley and Football and see what you can come up with. My favorite search engine is DogPile, it searches 5-7 of the major search engines together.

  12. I suppose if you have a vivid enough imagination, "ghosts" will visit you any time.

  13. Dear gentle man why do you not visit a psychiatrist and discuss with him?

    Can there be a bigger and terrible ghosts then our own men / women who kill, rape, rob, loot, harass, destroy fellow human beings in real life?

    The ghosts, Demons, Dracula's etc were real persons who did untold miseries to fellow human beings.

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