
Why won't a grocery egg, hatch?

by Guest66783  |  earlier

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I've always wondered this, why won't grocery eggs (the eggs the sell at grocery stores ) hatch? I mean after all it's an egg, and eggs hatch.




  1. 1) it's not fertilized

    2) those eggs are dead

    3) would YOU hatch in a fridge?

  2. No sperm. No fertilization.

  3. It's not fertilized.  Biology 101, remember?

  4. chickens are seperated from roosters so that their eggs can never be fertilized.  unfertilized = no chick

  5. They keep the roosters separate from the hens, therefore the eggs don't get fertilized.

  6. The eggs haven't been fertilized so no baby can form inside it to hatch out. The hen didn't mate with a rooster. They produce eggs whether they mate or not.

  7. They're in a cold refrigerator!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And the hatching fairy does not like the cold...she's from a tropical Island, you know!!

  8. It is not fertilized. why do u want one to hatch? lol ur funny

  9. That's like trying to grow a baby outside the womb.  An egg needs warmth to hatch plus it has to be fertilized.

  10. because it is not fertilized

  11. Only fertilized eggs hatch, and the ones you buy at the grocer aren't fertilized (mostly). Some have been known to slip through, but those are few and far between.  

  12. It's not fertilised.

    The same as a woman won't get pregnant randomly. Chickens aren't asexual.

  13. Taking away chicken eggs from their mothers is just like having abortions or killing unborn children.  I am going to have to mention this to the animal right activist groups!


  14. Okay think of it as a woman's egg in her body.  If the woman's egg is not fertilized by sperm, the egg is expelled during her monthly cycle (aka her period).  If it become fertilized by the sperm, the egg develops into a baby.

    A chicken will expell, or "lay eggs", regardless if it's been fertilized by sperm or not.  If it's fertilized, a chicken is hatched. If it is not, an omlett is born instead =)

    The farmers know the difference because they keep the hens laying "chicken eggs" separate from the ones they want to sell to the grocery stores.  They will not mix the females with the males if they do not want them to reproduce.  


  15. 2 reasons that i know of

    the egg has not been fertalized.. the mother hens produce eggs, but has to have s*x in order to lay an egg with a chicken in it

    the eggs have been pasturized, so any possibility of hatching is impossible

  16. There is no rooster actual fertilization. Can you imagine the horror if they were real fertilized eggs and cracking one to find a partially formed back chick? Sick...

  17. First they are raised to be infertile. 2nd: If they were fertile it would die because of the cold.

    Edit: Vegetarians eat eggs. They dont consider them as a living thing because it was never fertilzed. Only Vegans dont eat eggs and dairy products.

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