
Why won't anyone donate?Relay For Life.?

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Im running for relay for life. but i can't earn enough money for my group to run....I need to earn at least $100.00 more.But i can't find anyone to donate,what should i do?




  1. You are misguided.  It is a blessing that you are unable to raies money.  The American Cancer Society is an advertising campaign and fundraiser for Pharmaceutical companies.  They have enough money already to perpetrate their fear mongering medical propaganda.

    There is little to no spending on prevention or alternatives.  This organization is part of the medical machine that perpetuates disease.  

    A better use of your time would be to make sure you stay healthy and teach others to do the same.  We don't need more drugs and more surgery.  The cure is already here---It is a healthy lifestyle.  

    What you focus on grows in your experience.  If you focus on disease or contribute to an organization that does this then you are doing your part to perpetuate disease.

    Focus on Health and teach others to do the same!

  2. Keep asking.  If you ask 100 people for a dollar each, you'll have your money!  Be optimistic.

  3. truthdoc could not have said it any BETTER! That is a great answer!

    give your time and money to a cause that promotes life through better health without drugs.

    I could build a nice little vege garden for that money.

  4. walk around your neighborhood we donate through church especially for mother's day roses

  5. times all tuff ,i know people that would give their last dollar if they had one.

  6. Ask friends and relatives

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