
Why won't/can't Britain intervene in Zimbabwe?

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Last night on a British discussion programme I actually heard some British commentators berating the British Foreign Secretary Milliband and former foreign secretary Douglas Herd of Britian's stance on Zimbabwe. How come Britian can go to Sierra Leone and intervene and yet in ZImbawe they say they are powerless, even when their diplomats are being beaten up in the streets, an act of war?

Is it because they are too embarrassed in Britain to admit that they were wrong 29 years ago?




  1. There is no oil shamwari.

    They have nothing to gain and they are just spineless a.r.e.s holes!!

    Britain sold their own people down the pan!


    Ayiza yes they should have supported him. Maybe then the whole country wouldn't be a f*ck up. YOUR people have destroyed it!! It would have been a rich country with whites living side by side with blacks and people of colour. Non of the f*cking genocide c**p and whites higher than blacks because that's bullsh!t we are ALL equals!!

  2. Firstly, let me say that this has nothing to do with white ppl being cowards. Why don't Bob's own ppl stand up to him. I could be an equally racist bigot and make some stupid answer like: because blacks are all dumb.

    I mean come on - there's a bigger picture here. Why won't Britain intervene? Answer: What would they get out of it? How would they intervene? Militarily? That would destabilize the entire region and destroy already fragile economies. No - only Zimbabweans can save Zimbabwe.

  3. Lol Honey there is nothing for the UK and the USA to gain,and also they do not want to upset more Black Statts on the moment now do they?????xxxxx

  4. Not Britain or anybody else can do anything about what is happening in Zimbabwe..Skyli can moan until the cows come home! The dumb thing about white ppl and all others is that they only moan and are always spineless to protest,unite or take action!

  5. What would you have them do?

    Go in guns blazing.

    That will destabilize the whole region SADC will never allow it.

    And its also time for the Zim population to brave up and vote MDC even if they are being intimidated.

    Skyli what exactly do you mean by saying Britain let down their own people?

    Are you suggesting that Britain was suppose to support Ian Smith?

    With mentality like that I can understand why Mugabe hated you people.



    OK fine let them intervene but now how?

    Their hands are tied.

    The military is not an options.

    Sanctions are not working what then?

  6. We realised that pinching other peoples' countries was wrong, so we gave them back.

    Unfortunately, the new rulers are not making a very good job of it. Happens every time......






  7. And just who the h**l is going to pay for it MJ, the British public that's who in lives and money. How bloody long do you think we can play policeman to the world, you sit there at your computer criticising anything that the British do while at the same time enjoying the comforts that living in Britain brings. Yes there have been mistakes made in the past but the sad truth is that whatever descisions were made then would probably been wrong one way or another. You cannot invade a country where the majority of people stand behind their government which they will do as soon as we poke our nose in. Witness the American invasion of Vietnam, that is what you want my country to involve itself in.

  8. I have no idea what the h**l they are thinking. They let this man destroy his country to the point where his people have the lowest life expectancy in the world. He stifles any person who dares to oppose him, mass graves have been discovered from decades past where people have been slaughtered by his henchmen.

    It's a joke that nothing has been done about this man. And he had the cheek to turn up at the UN food summit in Rome - Unbelievable. I think you're right though - a lot of it has to do with embarrassment about mistakes made in the past.

    This man is  the Hitler of Africa - it is shameful these events are allowed to occur in the 21st century.

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