
Why won't dealerships negotiate a price?

by  |  earlier

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There is a car I want and they have it priced at $12,900. They refuse to go any below that. I told them I wanted it for $12,000 out the door everything included and they refuse to even drop it $100. Any suggestions on what i should do to push these people? I have even spoke to a manager and they won't drop it. Should I move on? Talk about hassle free..I'm the customer, give me what I want.




  1. i guess they wont make any profit or something thats why they wont lower it. also if u pay cash u can get a better deal?? i would move on from those losers!

  2. What kind of car is it?  There are some really popular cars where the dealers would not budge at all . . .

  3. I can tell by your question that you show to much emotion when dealing with money.

    You need to step back and take the emotion out of buying a car.

    Take whatever the car (in that year) MSRP is and then multiply by 70% that is the wholesale price .

    Then multiply by 112.5% and that will add on 12.5% OH&P for the dealership.

    Then take that price write it on a piece of scratch paper or a business card with your phone number and tell the salesman if they want to sell the car give you a call.

    If you dont get a call they dont want to sell the car..

    Thats it.............. no emotion....

    Everytime you bring emotion into buying a car you will always pay more.

    Do the math above...if you are looking at a used car take an additional .40 per mile off of your offer and give him the number written with your phone number.

    Thats it no more.

    I have been telling this technique to all here ...

    Use it.

    This message has been deleted more times by the resident car salesman here on answers than I can tell you.  Why?

    I think you know the answer. !!

    Done !

  4. The only place that won't negotiate on price is carmax.  If any other dealer thinks you're really serious and want the car, they'll negotiate.

  5. If they had any room to go down, they've would of done it...and they r  about to make money not to lose.....

  6. Look, if you went to a dealership that is advertised as "Hassle Free" then you're not going to get what you want.  Their price is listed and you either pay it or don't.  "Hassle Free" is like that so that dealers don't have to haggle with you (or anybody).

    Keep in mind, when you try and negotiate the price, YOU are creating the hassle; not the dealer.  He's got his price listed.  

    For those of you that think "Hassle Free" is the best way to go, well, you're wrong.  Carmax has become on of the most successfull dealerships in the country based on the "hassle free" model and it's NOT because they're missing profits.  

    But their image is that of a fair deal for everybody and it IS a fair deal.

    Just watch CARMAX continue to grow.

  7. Is the car worth $12,900 to you? If not, walk away.

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