
Why won't he break up with me?

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We've been together for almost a year and a half and there has been true love involved for each other. But it is written all over his face that he wants it to be over with us or at least it seems. He is avoiding us talking and when we were, right in front of me, made plans to go out with come friend tonight.

He flakes out on our plans or when I ask if he wants to do something, he'll say "maybe," which is a "no" without saying no. But, he also calls me when something great happens. I'm confused, but I don't want to let him off the hook by being the one to break up and I don't understand why he won't do it.

I'm tired of him being the one who doesn't hurt.

We're in our freakin' 30's for Christ sake!!




  1. Doesn't sound like he wants out, he just might want to be the one to do the asking or planning. Maybe he doesn't want to share you some times or wants to do something different. If you think he wants out, just ask him. If he says, "do you?" then tell him.

  2. life is not this way, this is the life YOU chose, break up with him, why wait for him to do it?? the question is, are you happy with this arrangement??

  3. He's probably afraid of what your reaction might be if he breaks up with you.  Maybe he's seen to many movies.  Maybe he's had someone freak out in his past when he broke up with her.

  4. He knows he will be the biggest fool if he lets you go, but at the same time he doesn't feel it anymore. I use to be like this. You should do the breaking up in my opinion. If he comes back, give him a chance. Seriously, if he comes back give him a chance.  

  5. break up with him simple as that

  6. Maybe he loves you dearly he is just not in love with you.  Maybe he really needs and enjoys your friendship.  Is there any chance you could be close friends with him?  If you don't want to be hurt anymore you need to just go ahead and break off  the relationship with him.  The sooner you do it the sooner you can start the healing process.  I wish you the best of luck, and I hope its not too painful for you.

  7. Maybe you should be the one to break up with him. Apparently, you're not happy that he blows you off.  How much more will you put up with?  You have to look out for yourself and your happiness. It's not about letting him off the hook.  He's not your son.  He's a grown man so to speak. This is about you letting him go and being happy. Find someone that will appreciate you and what's to be around you. Trust me, it's hard to break up with a loser. But when you find a winner, it will be worth it.  Good Luck :-)

  8. In this stiuation I think you need to think of yourself and dump him

  9. Tell him face to face.  You'll feel better in the long run and he will respect your honesty.

  10. he doesnt want to loose his

    Homie, Lover, Friend

  11. I've been there.  As much as you want him to own up to his actions... just cut him loose.  You'll waste many precious weeks, months, years on this guy if you keep this up.  

  12. You have to dump him and let him know that he is being dumped plain and simple.

  13. Let's not play games... what's the point of waiting around for someone to dump you? It pointless. Why? Just so you can say it was his fault, he left you? You only get one life. If you're as unhappy as you say you are then let him go. Do yourself that favor. You have two options: 1. stay 2. leave. If you choose then first option then don't complain because it's no one's fault but your own...

    He's probably just messing around and hanging on to you for hard times. Maybe you're doing the same. But regardless both of you are acting like teenagers and complaining like toddlers. If something's broke, fix it... but girl please don't complain about your own mistakes.  

  14. He doesn't want to dump you 'cause the s*x is slammin'.  

  15. Sounds to me like he doesn,t have the money to show you a good time . If he calls when something good happens then he wishes to share the good times with you but not the bad times . He just doesn,t want you to see him that way .  

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