
Why won't he just forgive me?

by  |  earlier

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Me and this guy were really good friends, but we got into fights, stopped talking. We made up, and wanted to really try hard for this relationship, with a clean slate. During that time, he stopped calling as much; started acting weird and distant again, being mean to me a lot and ignoring my nice messages. And we stopped talking 2 months or so after. I've been trying to apologize to him for months now (even though I don't know what I did to him) . I don't know why, but after all the fighting I've done for him over these past few months, after all the struggle and dealing with the hurt, after all the endurance through every thing he's done to me, he's now ignoring me and intentionally doing things to hurt me... but I haven't done anything to him, except love him and fight to get him back. Why is he doing this?




  1. he won't forgive you because he is way to immature. i mean what kind of fights were they? this guy is just being a typical jag bag and needs to grow up. i say forgetabout him and start a new clean slate with a much better person who is mature and is looking for a good relationship to have with a lady

  2. I personally think he is not at your level and has done something bad to you you may not know yet. That is the only thing that would justify/explain his gross behavious.

    Firstly learn to NOT have to apologize all the time and beyond what you feel is right just to win someone back. In a relationship all involved need to see the responsibility and wrongs they have committed and are held up to uphold.

    You should literally sit down with him and talk things over on this.

    Work out what happened and where you both want to go

  3. Ashley, you may not like what I am about to tell you, or believe it, but it is none the less often true.  Some people, usually men, break off a relationship by creating an environment where the other is forced to make the move to leave.  Take my word for this, break clean and don't look back.  If you truly love this man you need to let him go...and I mean totally.  If he loves you in return, he will come back to you after he has played the field for a while.  Of course, by then hopefully you will find someone new.

  4. Either he is just trying to change you using this method, or he is playing you around. Which would you like to believe?


  6. No one really knows the reason except for that guy. but to me it sounds like if he just does that kind of stuff he's probably not worth the fight that your battling.

    I would try to move on.

    Good luck.

  7. Not worth it.....move on. Just think of all the new people out there you can meet and the fun that is waiting for you! You're young...Go on to the next adventure.

  8. guys are jerks so even though you love him i think you should just move on if thats what he is doing too.. dont keep putting yourself out and keep getting hurt if hes not going to try why should you?? find a guy who will treat you like a princess or queen lol... my boyfriend does and i love him to death!! :)

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