
Why won't iTunes let me import videos from a folder on my computer?

by  |  earlier

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Whenever I try to add a video to iTunes it either won't show up (nothing happens) or I get a message saying that "iTunes can't import it because it does not appear to be a valid exported file". Can you tell me what's wrong and what I can do to fix it? Thanks!




  1. i have the same problem im using a intel mac and nothing happens.  I believe itunes uses certain codecs and output containers to differentiate between podcasts,movies, and such but, at the same time it screws with importing videos.  let me know if you find anything to solve this!

  2. prolly cause its a wma video...

    {windows media player/audio}

  3. figure out what files ipods take which is ussually mp4 and go online and search for downloadable video file converter then take the fine of the downloaded video drag and drop it into the video file convertor convert it , ussually takes a half hour and then drag and drop the new mp4 file into the ipod library

  4. The video format may be one that iTunes does not recognize.

    iTunes recognizes *.mov, *.mp4, and a couple other formats. Not too many.

  5. Whats easier is you should download Limewire.Much easier and free download. Thats how i import my videos,music, & stuff to my folders. If u need help on using Limewire just email me.

    heres the website.

    and download the basic.

  6. Why are you trying to import it? Are you trying to convert it to another format? If that's the case what format is the video? If you aren't trying to do this than the problem is probably that i-tunes is trying to convert in a format that it does not support like .wmv files people have mentioned. If you just want to play the movies then I wouldn't bother with i-tunes at all as there are many good media players that would be preferable. If you just want to organise you're library than you could be in for a problem because while I can find the settings for importing and converting audio files in i-tunes I don't see any for video. I found a mention of this same problem on google and people suggested upgrading to the newest available i-tunes but there was no success reported with this solution.

    Okay if you just want to play it, and you say you can't get the players you have to play the files that you got presumably from limewire than you should download the kazaa lite media codec pack, with which you can play anything the internet throws at you, other people are saying you should use VLC player but I've found there's one or two things it can't manage that KLMCP can. The links to both are below, happy viewing me 'arty.

    P.S. the actual player that you see on screen when you use the KLMCP is windows media player however it's 'Windows Media Player Classic and it's been suped up under the hood with millions and millions of codecs for every potential file you could ever want to play.

  7. You need to convert the video to an MP4 format. I use Videora Ipod Converter.  

  8. you will have to convert your video to an mp4 file

    try its pretty straight forward to use

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