
Why won't my 10 yr old daughter eat??

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She just stopped eating! She went from eating everything to eating almost nothing! She is naturally a small child and she is very active and athletic but she is down to 60 lbs now. She eats pb&j and she'll eat toast and icecream all day long but she wont eat any meats or veggies. She wont even eat hamburgers from McDonalds or nothing. This has only been going on for a month , this time. She did the same thing last year also. I am very concerned she is so thin, she is very muscular, but very thin. She will be 11 in a couple of months and she still wears 8 slim in pants and can still wear 6x in shirts. It is becomeing very frustrating, pls if you have any advise i would apprieciate it.




  1. Get rid of the ice cream and toast.   Don't buy it anymore. PB&J is relatively nutritious, especially on whole wheat bread.  She will eat what is put in front of her if she is hungry.  She won't eat what you want her to eat because she doesn't have to.  There is other stuff around for her to eat.

  2. Talk to her.

    Maybe she has some peculiar taste and doesn't like what you're making, or is going through a phase of changing taste where those things are all she knows she likes.

    Also, she could be concerned about self-image. Maybe she's been affected by the whole "only stick-figure girls are good looking" sheep mentality. They're pitching that nonsense younger and younger these days.

    In what is possibly the worst-case, she might be doing it out of a sense of helplessness. If she feels she has no other control of her life, at least she can control what she eats (or doesn't eat). Her response to feeling like she has everything done for her with no regard to her own wishes can be self-destructive. If this is the case, take measures to give her more independence and control of herself.

    Either way, you ought to talk to her about it in a serious way. Above all listen to what she has to say, even if it seems like not much.

  3. thats kind of scary. but shes not underweight for her age she is but not her height. I would just buy her favorite food or sit down and talk with her. ask her why she is doing this and jsut give her time. u said shes done this before so just let her come out of it herself.

    maybe she thinks shes not skinny because shes at that age when that happens.

  4. If she is 10 years old she is clearly doing it by choice. Its hard to say, maybe somethings upsetting her, maybe she thinks shes overweight, maybe those are the only foods she really likes. I doubt she understands the seriousness of eating disorders and what they can do to your body. I suggest you consult a nutritionist before you let this go any further. Whether it be just one meeting or meeting on a regular bases she needs a diet plan.

  5. Try taking her to her pediatrician if she won't listen to you.  Sometimes the white coat is all a kid needs to see to change the attitude or behavior.  If she understands that not eating enough can make her sick enough to be hospitalized, she may pick up her fork more often.

  6. Has she been small since birth?  I have a 10 year old girl and she's always been tall but your daughter does seem quite petite.  There is always a chance that someone said something to her about her weight but it sounds like it's too hard to tell.  Hormones are kicking in around this age and it might just be a stage she's going to go through.

    Remind her that she is eating to fuel her body.  The body - brain, blood, muscles, etc - all of it needs the nutrients that you get from food and drinks to fully function.  Food is a requirement and you need to keep it balanced so all the parts work how they should.  If a car has no oil, it doesn't matter that it's full of gas or water - it's not going to work.

    Be sure that she's getting 3 meals a day and eating at least a baby portion of veggies, fruits, etc that she's not getting now.  Two bites of a veggie is a start.  Explain that this is a requirement and not an option.  Don't rush through meal times if you can avoid it and don't let her rush through them extremely faster than the rest of you.   Keep it calm and casual but be firm and be sure she's eating even small portions of a variety of the food groups.  

    In time, and with patience, the portions will increase.

  7. Maybe she has IBS or something like that? But if she hasn't stopped eating like she's anorexic, just don't let her eat toast and ice cream, and buy healthy food and leave it where she can get at it. If she refuses to eat healthy food, then take her to a doctor.

  8. Like many others have said, talk to a doctor - even if it is just your regular family doctor.

    Maybe something has happened either at home or school that is upsetting her (not accusing you of anything). She might be stressed out. I am now 17 and I remember being 10, it was when my friends and I really started to be concerned with our weight and image. Sit her down and talk to her and see if maybe someone said something that is upsetting her.

  9. maybe she saw somewhere about being skinny and saw all those "perfect girls" have a talk with her

  10. don't give her ice cream- she may be a step away from having an eating disorder ask her why she won't eat veggies don't care about meats if she just says i'm not hungry all the time take her to a doc

  11. I think I'd get a physician's opinion.

  12. speak to her doctor and a nutritionist for ideas

    bring her shopping and tell her since she is picky you want her to pick what she likes for food, feed her whatever it takes, as long as it has some healthy aspects

    make sure she is taking vitamins

    talk to her and ask if anyone has metioned her weight or if she is being picky or trying to stay thin

    My cousin did this from age 6 till about 14.  She only ate pasta with butter, breat and fruit.  she was thin but she was fine.

    Buy the V8 fruit juice with the veggies in it

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