
Why won't my 13 month old walk?

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My daughter is almost 13 months old now.She can stand herself up from a squat position, stand on her own for very long periods of time, etc... She loves to walk, but believes she can only do that while holding onto BOTH of someone's hands...not just one and definitely not none! She has walked without holding on, though. I know she can do it, but for some reason, she doesn't believe she can, and absolutely refuses to try. I'm getting freaked out that she's nearly 13 months and doesn't walk on her own yet. Any advice?




  1. I wouldn't worry too much about it.  My son is almost 11 months and JUST showed an interest in walking while holding someones fingers.  We also know a couple who's son didn't start walking until he was 16 months old...a little late but normal nonetheless.  He's 18 months now and zooming all over the place.  By the sounds of it, she's got the mechanics down so that's good.  Don't worry, it will happen when she's ready!

  2. There's a whole range of what's normal - just because some babies are walking by 11 or 12 months, doesn't mean your little girl needs to be, too.

    If she isn't walking on her own in another 3 - 4 months, you could take her to the doctor. Otherwise, be patient and enjoy that she isn't running around destroying everything.

  3. My daughter took her first steps at 13 1/2 months old. My son is 14 months in 10 more days.... he still only stands by furniture and walks while hanging on to both of my hands. He will walk sideways around the coffee table while holding on... that is the closest he has gotten yet. It will happen... but I understand... I am impatient for those steps to come too!!!

  4. that is a bit odd..

    my son walked at 9 months

    do you try taking your hands away form her when she is walking with you...

    if she gets really in to walking and you take your hands away while she is still taking steps, she might figure out that she can do it on her own...


    does she have a walker? if not get one..

  5. Try holding onto one hand and holding something that she likes in the other. That will encourage her to take a few steps with little help.

    Eventually she will start walking all over the place and you will wish that she would stay put!! lol

  6. For some babies it takes time to walk. Give them practice,hold their hand while and try to have her walk she'll she has your support.Soon she'll hold lighter and lighter. If she still doesn't do it then one day hold her hand and let go but don' push her just let go gently.

  7. She will walk when she is ready. Don't worry just try and encourage her.  There is no set age for babies to start walking.

  8. First of all, it's NOT that your baby doesn't believe she can. It's ust that she likes to hold onto people to walk, she feels safe that way. It has nothing to do with what your baby "believes". Babies don't think in terms of beliefs at that age. She is just not ready to walk yet. She'll do it when she is ready. Babies walk between the age of 12-15 months on average so she's not behind in anyway. Just encourage her, but don't push it. She will do it when she is ready.  

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