This problem only happens at nap time. When I lay her down in her crib, she stands up, cries, and starts to SCREAM bloody murder. I let her do this for about 30 min, then I go in and try to soothe her, and we go through it all over again with her usually not sleeping at all in the end even though I know she is tired. I have a video monitor so I know she is okay. It all started when we went on vacation and I let her sleep with me. This happens every time we go on vacation but gets better within a couple of days. Now it has been 1 week and instead of getting better, it is getting worse. Prior to the trip she never did this. I would read to her, rock her for a minute, lay her down (all of which I still do), and she would fall asleep on her own. It is driving me crazy and I need some help!