
Why won't my 19 year old step son grow up?

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My 19 year old step son WON'T work, bathe or even help around my home. I have raised him since he was 9 years old. I taught him he needs to bathe every day and push him to do good in school. He is a drop out, won't bathe, won't work and now is in running from the law while being on probation. I love him dearly but should I tell his probation officer where he is? I feel if he goes back to jail he can get the education, hygiene, and drug rehab he needs. I am so confused. He will show up at my house and ask for work in exchange for money but when i agree he tears up my tools ex.(weedeater) and then says it don't work after I have given him money or given him a ride somewhere.




  1. what a low life.....turn him in.

  2. Sounds like at the least he has a drug problem. He could also have other issues.  

  3. Sounds like you have the answer, just pray that God closes all the doors that are displeasing to Him and open all the doors that are pleasing and it will be for the best .

    Bless you mother.

  4. He's not going to grow up when he has you to enable him, his drug habit, and his uncleanliness.

    Want it to change? Then turn him in. He needs to learn to stop running from his problems and face them like the MAN you tried to raise him to be.

    Things won't change, until YOU make the changes by stopping the money. Stopping the free rides. And most of all, stopping him from further hurting himself with whatever drugs he's using.


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