
Why won't my 3 year old potty train??

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She just turned 3 july 9th, I bought her underwear, i did the happy dance, i did the treats, they don't work. She'll tell me that she's wet or poopy, after the fact but never before the fact. She has gone potty a few times but only if her older sister goes with her. Stupid comments don't need to be left...thanks




  1. I don't know what to tell you except that they do it when they're good and ready.  My son was 3 years, 3 months when he was finally pt'd, and I think it was because I had signed him up for preschool and he had to be done before he could go.  Some people swear by letting the kid run around naked outside and use nature as a giant toilet.  Apparently they don't like the feeling of peeing on themselves or something.  I don't know that I could do that.

    My daughter is 2 1/2 and has absolutely NO interest in it.

    Good luck!!

  2. Don't push her. She is obviously not ready yet. She needs more encouragement. Just be patient in training her everyday. You will be surprised that one day, you'll find her doing it by herself.

  3. Well, my daughter is three and a half now.  She has been completely potty trained for three weeks.  She too would tell me after the fact that she had used the bathroom on herself.  You've said that you have done all the treats, happy dances, etc.  I'm not sure what else to suggest.  Sometimes they just do it in their own time.  A few things that worked for my daughter were to actually let her pick out her own underwear and I promised her I would throw her a party with balloons and cake if she would use the potty when she had to go.  That was all it took for her.  Unfortunately, my son was four before he was trained.  Eventually, I had to tell him that he could not go to preschool unless he started using the potty.  That's all it took for him.  Good luck!

  4. some of us only pee on the floor.

  5. Every kid is different my 2 year old ( 3 in Nov.)  just started going on the potty, and i barley had to do anything with her,,, My older duaghter was very hard, it seemed harder for her to hold it and get there,,,soooo,, for a week a put her on the potty every 30 minutes literally!!!, the next week i did it every hour, and the next week i did it when i thought she might have to go, it wasnt fun but after 3 weeks of doing that and a week later, she was potty trained, she had accidents everyone in awhile but it didint last long. Good Luck!!

  6. well my daughter now 13, was a very hard one to potty train.  i was certain that i would send her to kindergarten in pull ups but i didn't have too.  i wound up taking her to the potty once every thirty minutes, then an hour then two then three, eventually one of us was trained, to after meals, after naps and getting up and lying down..................

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