
Why won't my ACNE DIE?

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I understand that everyones face is different. I don't understand why trying nearly everything out there doesn't work. I have tried Proactiv, Benza Clin, Differin, and Clearasil. I wash my face three times a day. Is there something that you know of that works (and by works I mean that a LOT of people you know use it, and it works). I need your help.




  1. type skin id into google...........its this new thing neurtogena made and its  better than pro asks u all these questions regarding ur skin and it then comes up with ur own personalized skin routine

  2. ACCUTANE. It DOES work, but the side effects can potentially be frightening. I had the worst type of acne, and one of the worst cases the dermatologist had seen, and accutane COMPLETELY cleared up my skin. It MIGHT give you suicidal thoughts, but for me I just got chapped lips. Oh, it's a pill by the way.

  3. See a dermatologist-ASAP.

  4. Hormones, I'm guessing .

    My pimples used to never go away before but I just kept washing my face & now they're all gone .

    But don't ever stop washing your face even if you wash it a million times because you never wanna look oily whenever you go out .

    Just make sure you moisturize your face after washing so that your skin won't be so irritated , it should help in decreasing pimples (:

    I use the Clean&Clear Acne Advantage kit , you could get it at Target or your nearest drug store , & that thing has been working ever since I've used it . I haven't had a pimple since . But like you said , there are different skin types , but it won't hurt to try , right ?(:

    Hope this helped :D

  5. i have been using neutrogena for a few days and i can already see a difference! :]    no swelling mostly everything is gone and no redness-and its cost efficent

  6. well im guessing ur a teen or just becoming a teenager and trust me i had the worst acne that nothing would make it go away... but then as i got a ittle older im now 16 almost 17 i have almost an entirely clear face it just came with time for me and a little benze clen really helped. just hang in there it will clear up

  7. try washing your face once or twice a day.

    and i LOVE spectro acne cleansing pads,

    get rid of acne in a day or two(:


    i don't really get acne...

    but still!

    in makes it smooth without over drying.

    and the acne i do get it clears it!

    you have to try it ;D

  8. ok i use the works but dont use it with dry skin.EVER lol.but the clean and claer kit works amazing without you should try that.becaus i know how depressing it is to have acne and it wont like before i used this stuff,i would DREAD looking in the mirror :'[

  9. i'm 18 now...went to a dermatologist a few years ago and eventually went on ACCUTANE. it took me 3 rounds of it to cure it, but thats just me. no more acne!...look it up or ask a dermatologist :)

  10. well maybe your face is getting rid of oils from food.

    like something ur allerggict tooo.

    maybe you have something way deep down in your pores.

    get a facial.  

  11. Ok so theres this new neutrogena thing, its called skin id. i've never really tried it, but it looks like it will work, because its designed for your skin only. try it. you take a full on evaluation about what your acne is like, how often and when you mostly break out.

    check it out. hope it works!

  12. for my own face and for my friends face. we use stridex. I have senstive skin so i have to get the senstive one. I also use Nuetrogena daily scrub. Also drinks a lot of water (not to much could kill you) it hydrates your face. wash your face twice instead of three times your drying out your face. remeber after you wash mosturizes.
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