
Why won't my MOM let me get extra cheese on my big mac?

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I like extra cheese. It makes me so happy. She gets no pickles, why can't I get extra cheese. I'm tired of getting home and putting kraft on my big macs.




  1. Well, maybe it's the amount of fat grams in the burger you already have and wants to watch out for your health. Is it possible that she's concerned about you developing a problem that may run in your family from to much bad fats in the diet? To much of any 1 food isn't healthy and can cause problems for you as you get older.

    Start to be more conscious of your weight and overall health at a younger age and you may be able to avoid or at least greatly delay things like diabetes, heart problems, or other health problems.

  2. well then i would go with her and if she didnt say extra cheese i'd be leaning over her and telling the dude that i want some extra cheese on my big mac!

  3. maybe becuase she doesn't want to pay for extra cheese.

  4. I thought they did put kraft on those..

    Anyways, she doesn't want you to be fat.

  5. expensive cheese at mcdo

  6. i really don't understand that you are 33 years old and you are being told by your mother that you can't have extra cheese. GROW UP!! tell her you are getting it!!!!

  7. Don't let "texas" get you worked up, you should get extra cheese on your big mac, heck your an adult. Don't let your mom be the boss of you, you have a mind and know what you want. Adjust the sandwich the way you want it, if your mom can do it why can't you?

  8. Who's paying for the burgers?

    If you are and you have no health issues that would get in the way you should be allowed to order extra cheese.  

    Be forewarned, however, that this will really jack up the calorie count, but so does putting Kraft on the big macs, and if you aren't overweight letting Mickey D put the cheese on should not be an issue.

  9. hahaha wow

    maybe she forgets or she doesnt love you


  10. Probably because to put extra cheese on the big mac (or any sandwich) it costs. Your mom taking pickles off doesn't cost. And if you wanted to know bad enough why don't you just ask your mom. I mean if you are 33 years old you should be able to ask your mom questions and if she still wont then just buy your own sandwich and get it the way you want. I mean you are 33 years old so maybe its time to stop holding your mommy's hand

  11. Maybe she doesn't want to pay extra and/or wants you to watch your weight.

  12. We're at war...the economy is a wasteland....and you're whining about an extra slice of cheese on you're flipp'n BIG-MACK....Maybe your mommy would rather put a extra gallon of gas in her Suburban??? Maybe she hates you...

    Ever say, "thank you mom, for this burger"?


  13. how the h**l are we supposed to know why your mom makes the choices she does???

  14. Because cheese has a lot of fat. A hamburger is bad enough with one slice, two or more will be too much. Listen to her, she knows what's the best for you.

  15. Because she knows there is Kraft cheese at home for you to put on your burger. It is cheaper for her to buy a package of cheese at the grocery store than by the slice at McDonalds.

  16. Cheese is quite fatty, maybe she's just thinking about your health? Not that it really makes a difference compared to whatever the h**l is in the burger.

  17. Parents sometimes make decisions that are irrational; It happens due to gain self confidence, prove a point... etc.

    Just wait until your old enough to buy your own big macs and put as much cheese as you want

  18. Maybe your mom was molested by cheese when she was younger. Show some empathy, girl.

  19. Because it's already so unhealthy for you as it is, she doesn't want you to make it any worse. Just look at what your mom's saving you:


    Pasteurized Process American Cheese

    50  Calories

    4  Grams of fat

    8  Grams of Saturated Fat

    15  MG of Sodium

    230  Mg of Cholesterol

    That's exactly what your mother doesn't want going in to your body.

  20. Probably because she loves you and doesn't want you to get a heartattack.

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