Well I have a Border Collie / Lab Female 4 month old Puppy.
She is extremely clever, at his age I have taught her to:
Lay Down
Gives Kisses
High 5
Play dead
Stand on hind legs
Turn around
Waits at traffic lights
Currently teaching her to limp
I don't know if this is something all puppies know, but I personally think its unbelievable at 4 months to know all that, but its true.
Anyways, most of the tricks she doesn't listen to. She will concentrate on my hand movements, Whenever I say "turn around" she wont turn, only if I hold the reward up and spin it.
Same with Sit, She only sits when I click my fingers and hold up hand.
She wont come unless I bend down.
She wont stand up on her legs unless the reward or my hand is high above her head.
She isn't deaf. I want to let her off the lead in the park, but Im worried she wont come.
Any help or reasons why she ain't listening?