
Why won't my avatar show up? And how do I change it?

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The title say it all really. I haven't really been on much, and I forgot! Also, it never DID show it on answers, and I never knew why and din't get around to asking. Could somebody help me?




  1. click on your gray picture and follow the prompts - you can select your avitar then

  2. Well, this exact problem happened to me and this is what I had to do. You're not going to like this, but I had to set a new account. Then, adjust your avatar BEFORE you start on answers or a 360, otherwise it just won't work. Trust me, I id everything in my power but it just didn't work out for me. And to change the avatar, either click the one before you get to your mail inbox and change it that way, or go to your Answers Profile, click Edit my Info, and then Edit my Avatar. A new window would then show up, and use that one! Close out the real Answers window and use the avatar window, then switch back to Answers on the new window. Also, make sure you save the changes! <3

  3. O.K I'm having the same problem. My avatar that I picked will not come on to save a monkey's butt! I read, however that it will only come on if you use your ID name or initials. I used my initials to my ID and it still won't come on. I am going to try my actual ID and see if that works. Hopefully someone will come along and answer this. Good luck!

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