
Why won't my bank credit my account due to identity theft.?

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Why won't my bank credit my account due to identity theft.?




  1. If you have done all the proper paper work and it's been over two-three days ask the Bank Manager.  The only reason I could think of is that during there investigation they are finding irregularities

  2. It's just a way they can protect themselves. You could lie and say you are a victim of indentiy theft and lost 20 000 $ and they would credit you so you get 20 000$ free.

  3. Why don't you ask your bank for an explanation - and ask them how to deal with the situation!

  4. Did you fill out the proper paperwork? I had this happen to me a couple months ago. My bank actually called me and asked if I made several purchases online...and I didn't. I had to go to my local branch and fill out this affidavit of electronic fraud. They credited my account a couple days later and after a week or so they sent me a letter stating they found in their investigation that I wasn't the one who made the charges so they didn't take back the money.

  5. Usually  it takes 30 days to investigate fraud.

  6. Because it wasn't idnentity theft

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