
Why won't my computer communicate with my active connection?

by  |  earlier

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My laptop (toshiba satellite) will recognize and connect to my wireless router, but the connection will not allow me to communicate. I don't know if I'm having a hardware or software problem; the comp will disconnect and reconnect if I reset the router, so I know the comp is recognizing the connection. I can't even get it to work when I plug directly into the router. I know that the connection works because I'm using my wife's mac on the network now to type this question. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!




  1. If your wife's computer works, then the problem is with your computer.

    Check the NIC.

    In Device Manager DISable the NIC.


    ENABLE the NIC.


  2. Do you have ZoneAlarm.  

    ZoneAlarm /Firewall / Internet Security settings, use the slider and move it to medium.

    THEN go to the ZoneAlarm website and get their update to fix the problem.

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