
Why won't my computer let me defrag my harddrive?

by  |  earlier

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I've been putting this off for a while now, because I'm sick of my stupid computer having one problem after the next.... but I can't run Scandisk, I can analyze but not defrag... and right now I have 22% of free space with 24% fragmentation! It really can't wait anymore, when more of my harddrive has fragmentation issues than it has free space!

I always tell it it can run when I restart, and it never runs. I'm running Windows XP Home, and really want to shoot the thing!

Any ideas? Is there an external program I can use, if all else fails?




  1. Use system restore that should defragment it

  2. well id say for you to repair windows,

    because i think that you are missing some windows files and thats whats causing tha defragmenter not to work

    so repair windows and im sure you will be fine after that

  3. Hi,

    Defragmentation may not be possible if the disk volume is marked as 'dirty' i.e. has file system errors.

    Please run error-checking of the disk visa chkdsk and allow it to complete before attempting the defrag. You can right click on the drive in My Computer, select 'Properties' and then the 'Tools' tab. You can then run Error-Checking. You may need to reboot.

    For fully automatic defragmentation solutions for Windows, please visit the downloads section of the Diskeeper website.

    Fully functional, free 30-day trial versions can be downloaded from there.

    FAQs are here

    For more information on various features of Diskeeper and topics on defragmentation, please feel free to download the white papers in the knowledge center section of the Diskeeper site.

    Hope this helps.

    Best regards



    Diskeeper Corporation


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