
Why won't my computer open pictures and go to links in my emails?

by  |  earlier

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I click on them but nothing all...




  1. You have to enable links, its different for every email service.

  2. right click on the pictures and select show picture  

  3. Is this a new problem? Were things working OK previously? Any new hardware and or software?

    You must have some program running: some kind of blocker. Have you recently installed anything?  Try holding in the Ctrl key while clicking on the links. Do they open now? If so it's a popup blocker causing this issue.

    If not what is your Operating System? If XP try a System Restore:

    Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore

  4. maby ur computer hates pics! jk its probably caz u have a pop up blocker and its akting stupid so it won't show pics. r caz ur computers to old

  5. It depends where you are putting your links, Notepad will not do.


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