
Why won't my dog respect my wife?

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We have a 5 month old golden retriever and for the most part he is a very good boy. He is fully house broke and knows all basic commands as well as many more advanced. When he is with me he is a perfect gentlemen but as soon as he is alone with my wife he is anything but. (nipping, disregarding commands, over hyper, etc.)

I think that I took the dominant male role in the family hierarchy simply because I of my experience with dogs (had them all my life) and my physical dominance in the pups eyes. I have a deeper voice and corrections are firmer and more quickly executed. (settle down, I am not talking about abuse, just using my strength to force the dog to obey etc)

I am just curious how my wife ended up on the bottom of the hierarchy? Clearly in the dogs eyes, it goes: Me, Him, My Wife....

Just a side note: He is unaltered at the moment, but will be getting fixed at about 6 months. With other dogs. he often take the dominant roll when playing.

How can we restructure this?





  1. Have your wife take 10 minutes every morning/evening and hand feed him his kibble.  I know this seems like you are catoring do your dog, but the dog obeys the one who supplies the food.  It is the fastest easiest way.  I normally take care of my dogs, but when I find they stop listening to my husband I ask him to feed them.  He only has to do it once, to remind them that he is in control too.

    Your wife can also take him for walks to show that she is in control.  Walking is a good way for dogs to bond with owners and other dogs.

    Good luck, I know it can be frustrating on the other partner when they see things happening so naturally/easy for the other.  Tell her to stick with it.

  2. Well clearly you are the alpha dog.  Your wife may need to take him out for 10 or 15 minutes without you around and work with the dog.  I would suggest a choker and for her to do it before he gets to big.

  3. You should watch that show on animal planet called Its me or the dog

    they have really good situations just like yours and she teaches you ways how to fix it.

    look it up on youtube im sure its there.

  4. Give your wife a stick.  Leave the room.  Tell her to give one command one time and when the dog disobeys her she should wack the c**p out of him.  If she does it right she will only need to do that once.  She has to let the dog know she means business.  My chick had to get in a straight up fight with our brittany over the couch.  My wife won and the dog now listens.

  5. obviously she isnt firm enough with him, and he doesnt think that she is dominant too, so shes just "another dog in the pack" to him, while your the "leader of the pack" she needs to learn from you and be more firm. being nice to a dog isnt how to make it happy. being firm makes the dog respect you more.

  6. Your wife needs to take a dominant role with him, which is probably something you can help her with.  She should feed the dog, and make him wait for her to feed him, and give him treats when he obeys but ignores him when he does not.  Does she try to cuddle the dog even if he's being "bad"?  If he is pack-oriented, she needs to start exhibiting pack behaviour too.

    So when he eats, she feeds him.  When she sits on the couch, he sits on the floor.  When she is on the bed, he is on the floor.  When he obeys her, she gives him treats (and then later can wean him off), and when he acts up or ignores her, she turns her back on him and ignores him (exclusion from the pack indicates that she has authority to do so).  And always, always support your wife in front of the dog.  Don't let him disobey her and then reward him for running over to you.  

  7. dogs sence fear and maybe thats whats going on with your wife she might no tthink she shows it but the dog can sence it somehow. she might have to either spend more time with your dog and be aggressive herself to end this thing.. Hey its worth a try and will maybe save on some vet training bills.

  8. If you did all the training, playing, feeding, etc, etc, that's why the dog sees the heirarchy that way.  Let your wife take over these responsibilites and re-train the dog herself.  She'll have to start at square one, but she needs to show the dog that she, too, is his master.  Since he already knows the commands, he just needs to learn that he needs to obey when they come from her also, it shouldn't take long.  But she needs to spend time with the dog with you not around and be firm with him.

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