
Why won't my dog stop pacing? Is it a spirit?

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Okay my dog NEVER paces and He NEVER pees in the house...he usually goes to sleep after 11 o clock at night,,,it's like 1 in the morining and he's panting, he's pacing, freaking out, and he just peed all over my kitchen!!! He has NEVER acted like this before,,,although he has barked at my closet, or my garbage can...i've heard before that dogs and cats can sense when there's a spirit in the i was just wondering...could this be a possibility???




  1. Well, a spirit is one option, but it sounds more likely that your dog is either afraid of something, or sick. You don't mention how old he is, but when you see abnormal behavior, just like a baby this is a sign of serious distress. See if you can calm him down, and if not get him to the vet ASAP!

  2. I believe your dog is seeing the ghost of Lizzie Borden she often visits my dog, and makes her pee....

    lolablurb- don't be such a avocado!

  3. Its not a spirit. Sometimes they can sense a storm coming and get upset. Also, yes, he realy needed to go to the bathroom.

  4. If this is something new, maybe you have another new resident as well?  Maybe a mouse or rat has gotten into your kitchen and your dog can smell it (rodents usually only come out when the house is in darkness!)  Maybe this is causing the distress?  Put a tomato or avocado on the kitchen bench at nighttime and if it has been nibbled in the morning, you have a rodent.

    Aren't some of the other answers really helpful???

  5. It's obviously not a spirit. Your dog is just maturing and changing his behavior.

    You shouldn't be so gullible when your watching television.

  6. This could be many things!

    One of could possibly be he needed to pee!

    When I read this one of the things it reminded me is how my male dog acts when a female is in heat, he paces really fast smelling things usually the floor the ground! Or another animal could be in the close vicinity so really hard to tell! If this keeps up for a couple of days give your vet a call, in fact why wait in the morning call your vet!


  7. He was pacing because he had to go to the bathroom and you didnt let him out which is why he peed.  Are you high.

  8. It sounds like he is sick to me.  

    Panting, pacing and peeing could be signs of poisoning or some illness.  Has he gotten into anything?  Eaten chocolate?  Review his behavior for the past 24 hours.  Look around your home - any cabinets open?  Anything missing?  

    I'd have him sleep near you tonight - you may have to take him to the Vet if he gets worse.

    I hope his symptoms improve!!

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