
Why won't my dog stop peeing in the house??

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I usually take my dog outside to pee and it works out fine but tropical storm fay is passing and it has been raining like crazy. I tried taking him out when its drizzling but he can't seem to focus and won't go. I also tried placing newspaper down in front of the door where he won't get wet but he still won't go. As soon as he gets back inside he pees all over the floor and carpet. This behavior is driving me crazy, i need some help!!




  1. read my blog on housebreaking.. YOU HAVE TO OUT LAST YOUR DOG>   it also gives otehr advice.

  2. some dogs are afraid of water unless they're drinking it. my dog won't go potty outside when its raining either. although she won't go inside. is he house broken? are you letting him out at certain times or are you waiting for him to ask to go out? cuz if you're just letting him out at certain times, and you haven't house broken him, that could be why he's going potty inside. or maybe he's just scared. some animals are really scared of storms. my dog trembles. just don't get to mad at him. every time he does it, show him the mess, tell him no, and put him outside. even if its raining. just for a few minutes to show him that he has to potty outside, even when its raining. good luck!

  3. He can obviously sense the storm and that something is wrong so it's a phase but if it keeps going on consider a dog whisperer or trainer

  4. The best product to help with this problem is the Happy Jack Dog Diaper. You can pick them up here:

  5. dogs prefer peeing on soft things that absorb, so you could you temporarily use toliet training pads at the door or as close as to where he usually goes, he has to pee but at least you'll know where and its easier to clean, or when you take your dog out, shelter with umbrella and walk with him, my dog love rolling around in rain water but she hates baths.

  6. My first response is taking your dog to see a vet to rule out any medical issue.

    Here are some articles on urination as a behaviour issue

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