
Why won't my face tan?

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I have really fare skin so this summer I've been trying to tan. My arms and legs tan really nicely but my face doesn't tan at all. Am I doing something wrong? I don't want to be in the sun too much because I don't want to burn. Thanks. :)




  1. medicine, or certain face washes (like proactiv)  prevent your face from getting tan, and also dont wear make up

  2. MK offers a great subtle tanning lotion that you can use on your face, check out the website.

  3. Do you wear makeup ? That could be the problem , If you dont and are worried why it doesnt tan ... then consult your dermatologist  , he / she will be able to tell you .

    need any more advice , contact me at :

  4. Maybe you just don't have enough skin pigmentation on your face. This happens to my friend. Her legs and stomach are so dark and her face doesn't get that much color.

  5. dont wear makeup when your in the sun
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