
Why won't my friend admit he misses me?

by  |  earlier

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My best friend is a Cancer, and moved to Kansas, and is going to college up there. Well, this has happened suddenly, so naturally I'm missing him but when I come right out and say "I. miss. you." he either ignores that, or changes the subject. However, he does say "I miss texting u" or other passive things like "I miss....your dog." But never straight up "i miss you." What gives?




  1. Mabey he feels embarrassing saying the word "I miss you"? Or mabey he doesn't feel comfortable to say it, Thats what I feel...

  2. He's May like you as more thatn a friend and thats why he dosent want to say it or he could be just to shy! So Ask him and find out whats happening!

  3. Because by saying I miss you that's a sign of weakness in a male dominated society

  4. hmm. sounds like someone wanted to be more than just a friend and doesn't want you to know it

  5. He doesn't miss you.

  6. "i miss you"...."i miss your dog" heheheheh are you sure he's even your friend?

  7. He might think that by saying that, he's giving off the impression of that he wants to date you. Or something along those lines. He doesn't want miscommunication. It's either that, or he is just shy.

  8. i think its because he dosn't miss you

  9. He probably doesn't want you to get the wrong message that he is accepting you or interested in you.

  10. he is trying not to say it becuase he thinks that if he says it, it will make him a sissy, just tell him that u wont tell anyone and that is ok.... if he is ur best friend, he should be comfertable telling u anything. but that is what i think

  11. Maybe hes just one of those people who don't really show their feelings. He obviously does miss you though if he says i miss you in texting. Saying it on the phone could get or be quite emotional for him perhaps?

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