
Why won't my hermit crab come out of its shell when I'm around?

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A couple days ago I got a small hermit crab and it didn't come out of its shell in front of me. I know it's alive because when I leave it alone for a couple of hours, it will have moved when I get back. The rare times that I do see him out of his shell, he goes right back in when he notices me. When I look into his shell, he is pushed all the way in the very back of the shell. He will never come out of his shell when I hold him either (I have tried lightly blowing) I bought a new one a few days later thinking that it would help him be more social, but he still acts the same, while the new one moves around a lot, isn't scared when I come, and will come out and move around on my hand.




  1. If you've only had a the animal a few days it's probably not settled in yet.

    Don't expect a new hermit crab to be friendly and social right away. Transport from the wild to a pet shop takes a lot out of a hermit crab. THe stress kills most of the animals which is why even experienced hermit crab keepers may have animals die in the first few weeks.

    Giving the hermit crab a cave or hut to hide in is a good way to let your crab feel safe in his own habitat. I find they spend less time trying to hide when they have a private place they can relax in.

    spend some time just watching your crabs. Foods like : avocado, peanut butter, honey, egg or eggshells, grapes, shrimp, and apple core are very popular feed one of these to the crabs and watch them eat. Don't handle them just let them do your thing. Eventually they will get used to you being around.

    Try spreading out a towel on your lap and let your crab crawl around. Don't handle them too much the first little while you want to make sure they settle in and are healthy first.

  2. Trie holding him for a few min. and see if he comes out. He is just sared. He is in a new home and does not know you yet. He will get to know after a while. Also I dont think the new crab will help. To many new things.

  3. I don't think he likes you. just kidding. he probably just doesn't want to be bothered. leave him alone for a week and don't try to pick him up. let him get used to his new home.

  4. My hermies are all shy when I first get them. I've had two that are naturally shy most of the time still, and others who will come out whenever. It's probably the personality of your crab, which is what makes them fun!

    I've had one for a year and he's just barely warming up to me now. Remember that hermit crabs are nocturnal, so they'll be sleeping in their shells during the day. I often stay up at night and watch them wake up, crawl around, and listen to them chirp.

    Try feeding them treats like applesauce to get them to like you more. (Make sure it's the good organic stuff, not chemical ingredients) Hold them by their shell and gently brush some applesauce onto their feelers. Mine LOVE it! You can put the sauce on the end of a pen cap or something like that; I wouldn't use my finger because mine grab whatever the sauce is on!

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