
Why won't my husband share the tv?

by  |  earlier

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Every time we sit down to watch tv together, he controls the remote, and always puts on sports, or the military channel, even though he knows I don't like those kinds of programs? Why won't he try to find something that we BOTH like? I do that...why won't he? If I try to change the channel, he gets all pouty like it hurts him to watch something else...




  1. Talk with him about this sometime when he's not watching television.  You can let him know that you are sharing the home, and you'd like to share programs too.... I think it's only right you should be able to watch what you want.

    In the alternative,  buy yourself a TV for the bedroom, and hook up cable to it... then you could watch whatever you like!  If money is an issue, sometimes The Salvation Army stores have really nice, fully functional televisions for low prices.

    I don't watch a lot of television, but i hate watching TV with someone else... i know what you mean - they assume that, just they like a program, everyone else on earth does too.. ugh

    take care and i hope things work out...  

  2. He's trying to see if he can get away with watching his shows all the time by pretending to be sad. I'm sure he'll be fine watching some of your shows or watching shows you both like. The answer to why...Men are sort of like giant children.

  3. Get up and move to another room to watch T.V. If you only have one then turn off the T.V. and discuss this. Either way, it's a clear sign when a man won't compromise on the television shows he watches.  

  4. There's two options here you can do.....1.) Buy another TV and have it put in the bedroom, or 2.) Come on the computer here and help others out or play a game and when he complains your always on the computer, you come back with " You have always got the TV controls" and i don't get to see programs I like. ?

  5. His behaviour is very mean and self-centred. It's unsocial too to sit there with someone, especially someone you love, and insist upon a program that you know the other person has no interest at all in. I think you need to sit down with him at the start of the week with the TV guide and point out the things you'd like to watch that week, see which he really wants to watch, and make sure that you both have a fair go of it. It should not be the case that the TV is on for hours and hours of programs that are only of interest to one party. I think if you sit down and write it out he will be faced with having to make a reasonable compromise. Good Luck!


  7. My ex-husband was like that too.  He was controlling the remote control and we always had to watch what he wanted to watch.  Then we always had to eat what he liked to eat.  We had to go wherever he wanted to go, do whatever he wanted to do.  Everything had to be his way.  He got worse and worse, until I thought enough is enough.  But, it took me many years, before I got rid of the idiot loser.  He is also abusive.  He was not too bad in the beginning, but he is just selfish.  Selfish people are untrustworthy.

  8. get a new tv, tell him that you dont like these chanels and house is a place where you can relax and be cool, or give him an hour or so he can watch his fav. channel and you can take your time to watch your fav. channel till he use his hour you can be relax or go for cooking or doing other stuff :)) hows that ??

    or better you get a tv to your own bedroom, may be second hand. :))

  9. break the remote then walk up and change the channel lol.

  10. you have 2 choices, one buy another tv or just accept it that its a man thing. your husband was once a mothers baby, then you dated a man (at least he thought he was) then he turned into your child and will all ways your child until the day you die.

  11. who pays the bill on the tv i would also try to suggest other things like luring him away from the tv with a outfit of some sorts get him all bothered and then walk away and watch tv... he wont do it again lol  

  12. At least you can get to the remote, my wife guards it like it's life or gold or something important and all she watches are cop show (CSI< SVU, etc....) I hate them, she wonders why I don't watch TV with her..... I have talk to her about it, nothing ever changes she likes them and if I don't well that's my problem not hers.

  13. He's being selfish.  Just find something you want to watch every now and then and if he wants to pout, let him.  Another possibility is to get another TV.  

  14. Get another tube and leave him alone with your soaps. The remote is a male item not to be handled by women unless they have their own tv preferably away from the main tube. So save your money to get your own. The same applies to the couch and beer.

  15. make tv rules. we did, and it works.

  16. Talk to him about it he might change or get another en keep it in the bedroom

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