
Why won't my mom build a movie theater?!!?!?

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i just dont understand how this is possible. there is a demolished drive-in theater next to us on the same road as our home....but mom wont build one.... can someone make her build one?




  1. tell ur mom if she doesnt build the theater that u will buzz all her hair offf in her sleep.


  2. You should NOT try to force your mom to do anything. You probably don't realize it, but you are being mean to your mom when you pester her about it. How would you like it if your mom asked you why you don't build a skyscraper or a motorcycle, right now?

    To answer your question,

    There are a lot of things that go into creating a business, and a theater is a business. It may be that your mom does not have the money, or capital, to build a movie theater. To do this would be very expensive (cost a lot of money). In order to do such a thing, she'd need to do a lot of work. It's unrealistic to think your mom can just build a movie theater. There are lots of things that get in the way of putting up buildings and making a theater. It would be a full time job.

    She probably can't do any of that right now because she already has a job to put food on the table for the both of you. It's not fair of you to demand your mom build a theater, unless she is extremely wealthy (a billionaire). Is she a billionaire? Do you know how much it costs to survive right now?

    To build a theater, she would need to check to see who the owner of the lot is, and if they are willing to sell. It might not be. Then she would need to check the zoning laws of her city to make sure that another theater is allowed to be there. Then she would need to get investors (to get the money for building, city fees, lawyers, maintenance, etc.), lawyers, and engineers to survey the lot. Then she would need to hire an architect to make a plan. She would need to hire accountants to see if the business would make money. The accountants need to figure out how much it would cost to make the building, and what the business would earn based on the population of the city and surrounding area, rival theaters, and demand for a theater. Then your would need to submit a business proposal to the city you live in, and they would decide whether or not they would allow the theater to be built. Usually these things don't go through the first time. There is more, but I think you get the idea by now. This just takes a lot of work and capital to get done, which your mom probably doesn't have.

    So, to answer your question, she probably does not have the resources to build a theater, and no - you can't force her to do it, nor should you try. Have you even thought of how your mom feels about it? She has made it clear to you that she doesn't want to run one, so be respectful of that and accept it. She is your mom and you should be nice to her;  she is taking care of you and for that you should be grateful.

  3. LMAO!

    it costs a lot of money honey

  4. ahah

  5. no

  6. wow. i dont see where this is going. good luck trying to convince your mom to shell out thousands for a theater

  7. too much money ?

  8. well mabe she don't have the money to build one but if she did i'm sure she would build one

  9. woahh ur a bratt hunn.

    maybe she cant afford it.

    mann thinkk of herr.

  10. because it's freaking expensive!

  11. nope. because you remind me of verruca salt

  12. its pretty can't just build a movie theater in a day

  13. WHAT!!!!!!

  14. maybe it's b/c things are easier said than done or maybe building one is pointless to her.  

  15. give more information and no i cant

  16. uhh because it would cost like a million dollars...thats why she said no. thats a slap-me question

  17. Mom Build One, There Happy?

  18. "If you build it, they will come."

  19. I think building a movie theatre is a lot of work... why don't you do it yourself.

  20. uh, prob someone else is building there lol

  21. it is very expensive to save something like that. maybe your mom doesn' t think that is something necessary.

  22. Too much work, too little finances, no one will give her a loan? Ask her why. We don't know your mother.

  23. no.

  24. uhh building one takes money hard earned cash

    it u want movies go 2 the movies

  25. Have you heard of fiscal responsibility? That means not only protecting it wisely, but investing it well.

    Unless your mom is super rich, forget about it. Even if she is super rich it is her money to spend as SHE wishes, not on what you want.

  26. why don't you just get a pony and hire a private wait, buy a private plane so you can fly to the top of a rainbow and dance with sun gremlins while throwing money around like Bill Gates on cocaine?

    Maybe that was a little long winded...people don't build movie theatres out of the blue...

  27. It takes a lot of money, time, effort, and know-how, and your mother shouldn't have to rebuild a movie theatre

    Stop whining and go read a book.

  28. ? wtf

  29. do u know how expensive it is to build one?

  30. idk, maybe it has to do with the fact that it'd take a couple million dollars?

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