
Why won't my mom let me?

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why won't my mom let me straighten my hair..i do straighten it but i mean like after 4 days when it starts to look bad she says youre hair looks fine and starts yelling at me to stop putting "so much heat in it" i use heat protector though... I mean, its my hair! not hers. i can do what i want to it right?




  1. Speak to your mum and come to an agreement about how often you straighten it .. do her hair for her to show her how you feel when you do yours !

  2. Because she doesn't want you to damage the little brain you already have.

  3. She doesn't want you to damage your hair

  4. Well actually no , you can't do what you want to . As long as you are under 18 and live in her house, then you have to abide by her rules. You probably think she is just nagging or being difficult and in your business, but she probably is just trying to keep your hair healthy. Heat can and will damage your hair. Talk to her and explain to her why you want to straiten your hair, then explain to her that you are using a product to protect against the heat and see what she says.  

  5. Well it depends how old you are, I've always wanted to straighten my hair when i was 12, but i was never allowed only for super special occasions. The reason why to put some much heat in your hair when your young is because the earlier you start straightening your hair or putting chemicals in it, the earlier in your life it's going to be damaged and fall out when you wash it and brush it. Now i'm 20 and i only straighten my hair like every other weekend. Don't argue with your mom, she knows best.  

  6. hey, i think ur mom's right. heat can damage your hair. and a tip. people know when u use hair iorns and stuff. it doesnt look pretty and natural... so. i dunno. she is ur mother. but if thats what u want to do go ahead.  

  7. You are definitely much too hostile .She has your best interest at heart . God gave you parents so you have guidance .  I bet you come running to her if it all falls out or you burn your scalp and get a big sore there . And who do you think pays for the electricity that turns on your iron. Grow up  you sound very spoiled .

  8. she's only saying it coz she thinks its right.and really it is!!!We all know too much heat frazzles your hair.In the long run, its best not to.I straighten my hair only occasionally.

    The best thing to do, is to wash every 2 days.When you've washed it dont blow dry it let it dry naturally.It will go really nice and frizzy which is really fashionable at the mo! And if you dont like that, then tell your mum, that you didnt blow dry it so you're using the same amount of heat in it as you would.Also keep the heat down on your'd be suprised how well they straighten will little heat!!

  9. go to wikihow  they might have something

    and you DON'T sound spoiled

  10. She is just worried about you in case you accidentally burn yourself or wreck your hair its just mum's hehehe show her your responsible enough to do stuff yourself and you will start to see some changes Good Luck

  11. Heat can damage your hair!

    Like get the natural oil out of your hair and can break off.

    She probably worried you might be baldheaded.

  12. Your mum's worried that your damaging your hair and your only young!

    She probably thinks there is no need for it because your already young and beautiful and doesn't want you to ruin your hair.

    Just try and understand why and realise it's really because she cares.

    It is damaging your hair though, so do pay attention to her.

    But as most daughters you won't and (like me) do what you want anyway.

    Maybe before school go to your friends house and straighten your hair for school?

    If having straight hair is that important to you.

    Hope this helps,

    Chloe =]

  13. Unfortunately, you would think that but being as you are obviously still young and living at home your mom rules!! LOL it sucks doesnt it!

    Maybe try talking to her in a calm way during a time when the argument hasnt been brought up in a day or two! Let her know that you understand how she feels the heat will damage it but that you feel much better about yourself with your hair straightened. Do some research about heat damage to hair online and give it to her if it supports your argument. Also maybe suggest that you will do a hot oil treatment to help repair the damage if that will make her feel better.

    You can approach this differently for sure with her, but ultimately mom rules!!!

  14. She is just trying to prevent you from frying your hair.. i guess she was born in like 1920 or something and dosent really get Y we straighten out hair even though we already have straight hair.. LOL

  15. hey,,

    dont worry my mum was always like this when i straightened my hair.

    She always told me not to and my sisters would yell at me too.

    i felt the same.

    they are over it now, because i straighten my hair everyday for school so they are quiet used to it, after all it is my decision.

    now, i look at my hair, it has not grown in like nearly a year!

    there are split ends all through it and if i get a hair cut to get the, away, my hair will get shorter instead of longer.

    There are always hidden things behind what you think is good.

    straigtening has a few, as i mentioned.

    i can understand your mums side, but i know how hard it is for you aswell, i hate it when my mum gets inlvolved and tells me what to do!

    but anyway, i think that you should be allowed to straighten your hair, because it is YOUR hair, as you said, but lower the straighting down like to every secound day.

    wavy hair is comming in soon =]

    hope this helped alot,

    xooo good luck


  16. Your mom is right. Using that iron too much damages your hair. Plus, I got to perm it once curly and my mom said it damaged my hair.

  17. shes looking out for you because not all of the heat gets stopped by the protecter and heat does ruin your hair does she know you use protecter?? anyway hope this helped!!

  18. she cares bout you  

  19. Your mom does have a point. Straighteners and blow dryers are very damaging to your hair. You should make a deal with your mom; you help her around the house all week and she'll let you straighten your hair one day a week when your hair is really crazy. Try it, I hope it helps. Good luck!


  20. Your mom doesn't want to listen to you whine and complain when your hair is frizzy, dry and ugly from heat damage.  Yes, it is your hair, and you can do what you want to it.  But if you take that attitude, take it all the way and deal with it without involving her when you don't like the results you get.  She knows what she is talking about.  You are young and don't have the experience your mother has.

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