
Why won't my mum let me get a tattoo?

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Why won't my mum let me get a tattoo?




  1. Undoubtedly your mum thinks you're too young to make a good decision about what sort of tattoo to get. Just wait until you're 18. I waited. I turned 18 on the 17th and got my first tattoo on the 19th.

    If I had gotten my first tattoo when I had wanted it, I'd probably have something idiotic like a System of a Down tattoo T_T  

  2. First off, if you need to ask your mum permission to get a tattoo, then you are too young to get one. I'm sure that is not what you want to hear, but it is the truth. This is a decision that will last you a lifetime.

    I wanted a tattoo at a fairly young age and had all these "cool" ideas on what to get. Luckily, I never followed through simply because of lack of money and ambition. Now, I am 32, I have thought about what is important to me, have sought  out the best artists I could find and will be getting something I am both proud of and makes a statement about who I am today and what I have overcome.

    My advise, wait until you are legal to get one and have put a significant amount of thought into it. If you still want the same design in a couple years, chances are you are less likely to regret it later.

  3. Because she wants you to make the decision yourself. When you legally can.

  4. What mum don't know won't kill her!!

  5. because she hates you, and took a vow on the day you were born to be sure you led a miserable life

  6. when  i was 16 i wanted a tattoo and my mum said i wasnt going to get 1 till i was 18. so i begged and begged. n then i sed could i get 1 if i pass my gcses? and she said yes if you passed them all. so wen i failed 2 i was almost heart broken lol so my mum gave in and said yes.

    So ask your mum if u cud get 1 as a reward for a really big acheivment in the near future.

    this may change her mind.

    good luck xxxx

  7. Ok:

    Not knowing you're age:

    -She thinks you're too young.

    -She thinks that you don't know what you're doing.

    Keep in mind:

    Tattoos are for life (unless you want to pay (a lot) and suffer (a lot) to have it removed.

    Tattoos will change the first impression people have when they see you (same with tongue/lip/eyebrow piercings).

    Tattoos can cause that you are not selected during a job interview (bad first impression & marginality of having a tattoo)


    I can understand your mother.

  8. Why don't you ask your mum...she will be honest with you about it.

  9. maybe wait til youre old enough...

  10. grow up

    none of us know

    I'll assume that you're under 18 and she's being a responsible parent

    in which case, thank her and stop whining about it.

    she actually does know what's best for you

    as do 99.9 of the sane people in the world.....and that you NOT getting a tattoo

  11. I know how you feel :(

  12. I think that based on your question... Welll YOU ARE TOO YOUNG, once you start taking care of yourself and paying your own stuff, then yeah, Tat the heck out of your body, remember the old saying "It's my home and My RULES" dont like them.. well move out.


    You sure you don't want a Pony instead....... PLLLzzzzzzzzzzzz

  13. I don't know, I'm not your mum - this is an internet question and answer forum not an exercise in mind-reading, but here are a few suggestions:

    1 - Because you're whiny and immature.

    2 - Because you're under-age.

    3 - Because she wants to p**s you off and make you miserable.

  14. If you are young enough to have someone allowing or not allowing you to do something then you are too young to get a tattoo.

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