
Why won't my myrtle tree bloom?

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We had it planted last year and it bloomed beautifully throughout the summer and into the fall. This year, it is already July and the tree has not bloomed.

Why and How can we make it bloom again?




  1. Make sure the poor-blooming trees are not planted too deep and give them at least one application of organic fertilizer a year. Organic gardeners make the first major fertilizer application very early in the year. The time is now. The rate is 20 pounds per 1,000 square feet of garden area.

    PRUNING Plants usually have a specific type of branch on which flowers occur. Crape myrtles flower on new wood: the branches that have grown since spring.

    Until a plant is mature and well-established, it will be barren in spring.

  2. Crepes bloom on new growth and cuttings will root in water.  They prefer full sun, heavy feeders, try bloom booster (miracle gro)

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