
Why won't my page view count show up in Yahoo 360?

by  |  earlier

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I'm having endless problems with Yahoo 360. And I'm fed up with composing HTML code to correct the mess it makes of my blog entries! (I'm no good at HTML, so that's hard work for me.)

My question is this. How can I see the number of times my page has been viewed?

Sometimes the count shows up, but more often it doesn't. When it does show up, it appears in a variety of different ways for reasons I don't understand. Sometimes it's just a single number. Sometimes it's a total, a month count, and a week count. I once saw a version where I could choose to make it private or public, but I missed the opportunity and that version hasn't appeared again.




  1. Yahoo going into transition getting the new social network ready is causing the bugs.

    Yahoo is not fixing the bugs because all their resources are going into getting the new network ready.

    Most everything on the Yahoo 360 is having bugs, some shows up again and then not work the next day.

    We need to work around the bugs and hope the new network will get here soon.

    What's going on in Yahoo 360

  2. :-) This is a notoriously buggy feature. Just ignore it. You can see a previous answer regarding this issue here:;...


    Okay, you're having lots of problems with 360, but you are part of a large and growing club. You can cut to the chase and alleviate a lot of frustration by reading the following sources though:

    - IMPORTANT!: Thoroughly read the 360 COMMUNITY GUIDELINES at

    - HELP Pages:

    - For MORE TIPS see some of my previous answers on various Y!360 & Y/A subjects by clicking on my avatar and scrolling down to click on my "Starred Questions" tab.

    - For IDEAS you can check out other 360 pages by clicking on your "Search" link at the top of 360 or by going to

    - The 360 team blog at has many helpful links on the right side to help with setting up a 360 space and using other services with it.

    NOTE: Some features are not available to users under age 18 for safety reasons.

    Keep in mind that 360 is a beta (testing) service, so there will be bugs. You can't contact the Y!360 team about it because the service will be transitioning and integrating with a new platform in early 2008 and they are no longer fixing bugs. Read more about that in the Y!360 blog at . The 360 team blog is also accessible via the "Yahoo! 360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space.

  3. there's a glitch in the system. it happens to all of us. I don't think they're going to fix it, either.

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