
Why won't my parents leave me alone?

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I just turned 18 but my parents still treat me like im 13, i have to be home by 12 most of the time..if not earlier! and if i wanna sleep over someone's house she always wants to talk to their parents. Yesterday i was so pissed at her cause i couldnt stay out past 12 and all my friends that are YOUNGER than me, their parents are just like whatever if you wanna stay at someones house thats fine...or say out till you want...just so much less strict than mine. and I'm 18 so why doesnt she just let me make my own decisions? and how can i convince her to let me do what i want?




  1. You are living in your PARENTS home they have every right to set the rules of THEIR home any way that they want.  If you don't want to have to live under their rules you need to cease living under THEIR roof.    It would also help if you ceased acting like a whiny 12 year old as well.

  2. Judging from your question you need some guidelines. It would seem to me that you are acting a bit childish. Grow up act mature and maybe they will give extra privileges. Some people just need guidance a little longer than others. Or maybe the other peoples parents don't have as much concern for their childrens good and well being.

  3. Your  parents care about you and don't want you get hurt :)  for me having parents like yours makes me feel safe    

  4. I am sorry that they shelter you more than normal, but they do it out of love.

    Why are all of your friends younger then you?

    You should have more friends your own age.

    Why should they be disturbed when sleeping in their own home? Why should they worry about your safety while they sleep?

    They should not have to do either, and that is why coming in after 12 is rude and unacceptable.

    If you want to be trusted and respected, you need to demonstrate the same behaviors first.

    Best wishes


  5. They probably want to hang onto their little girl as long as they can. But tell them they are being a little unreasonable. Ask them why they won't let you say out any longer. In fact, they may even ending protecting you. Nothing good happens after midnight! I'm kind of seeing gray areas so talk to them.

  6. If you are still living under her roof, you have to follow her rules. Your 18, you know she can kick you out of the house? She's just being protective of you, and that's good. You won't regret it when you get older.

  7. Why would you like your parents to "leave you alone"? Parents are not supposed to do so. As other answerers say, your parents offer you the best they can and I hope that you continue to offer them the best you can. If you think it is a problem of noise, just ask them how you could not be rude when coming back home late. If it is a problem of means of transport, just ask them how you could go to your friends' and come back without disturbing their schedule. If it is a problem of choice of friends', just ask them if they could give you permission to invite them at your place for your parents to meet them. If it was not possible, why not organise a party yourself (it's fun!) with your friends' parents just to make everyone meet. You could ask your mother if she could just let you use her kitchen, her lounge, her garden, and promise her to let everything clean (because you will have already prepared who will help you to do so!). I suggest that you start behaving differently, I mean by finding your own ways, defining your creative ideas, always respectful of the PLACE YOU DWELL IN whether your friends' or your parents' or your own place. Choose your life now and start today by reflecting on each one of your disturbances to find the proper evidence that you need and that your parents need to come to a common decision which will create JOY and PLEASURE for you and at the same time for them. If you think for instance that your mother does not understand quickly, please be patient with her, because she surely only wants you to be safe and you MUST HELP HER to UNDERSTAND THAT YOU ARE SAFE BECAUSE YOU TAKE SAFE DECISIONS. That is what other askerers call "being mature", "stopping being childish", "behaving as a 18-year-old-daughter". I am confident that you can do this programme by yourself. Hope it helps!

  8. just  tell  them

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