
Why won't my red eared sliders mate?

by  |  earlier

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I have 1 male and 1 female in a large thank with 5 inches of warm dechlorinated water. The male has started the courtship behavior, and tried to mount her a few times unsucessfully. They have been in there for about an hour, why won't they mate?




  1. Be patient. Do YOU feel like mating all the time? It takes a bit of cooperation from the female.

  2. please don't mate RES they are very over populated and we don't need any more hatchlings.

    besides, you need a lot more water in the tank. have it filled at least 3/4 of the way full.

  3. It all depends on the size of the tank ant the size of them if i am correct i think i remember they must be at least 6 inches to mate 100% succesfuly, oh and 1 hour! thats not enough it can take from 3 to 5 weeks to get use to there mate before matting so wait about a month and keep your dstance from the cage they might be scared if you keep poking your head to the cage

  4. an hour?

    it could take up to a month for them to successfully mate!

    leave them alone, and they will do what they do best.

    nature has it's way, and if you are sitting there watching them, they are going to be disturbed and not want to.

    are they approx the same size? they could have problems mounting if they are very different in size.

    give them time, they will come around. ;)

  5. Hibernation can play a role in mating. If they haven't hibernated, there is a slim chance they will mate. Aquatic turtles rarely breed when kept in aquariums indoors. And are they of good size? Females get pretty large and need to be of good size. 5 inches of water is not enough for mature, adult red eared sliders.

  6. the male probably doesn't have a nice enough car

  7. Well for one thing they might not be mating because they are not comfortable and don't like each other yet. Give then a little time and soon try again

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