
Why won't my son poo in the potty???

by Guest66711  |  earlier

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He asks to go pee-pee and he never pees on himself...but he will not poo in the potty.




  1. My daughter went through the same thing, and i think it was about 3 weeks later that she would go p**p. I think that she thought she was losing a piece of herself when it came out and got scared, but she got over it.

  2. My elder daughter wouldn't use a potty at all. straight to toilet with toddler seat and step. But my younger daughter would do wees on the potty but refused point blank to do a poo on the potty. She luckily accepted the toilet as a viable alternative and had no more problems(or accidents). Good luck and keep going.He'll get there in the end.

  3. same with my brother mom gets crazy he pees in the toilet but not poo i wonder why

  4. Have you tried giving him privacy?  My niece wouldn't go until they realized that she didn't want them watching her.

  5. It my DS about 4 months after he was going PP in the potty to start going poo. I think it is something relatively normal and you just have to be patient with him. My DD only took about a week so it's definitely different with every child.

  6. We had the same thing happen with my daughter.  She would use the potty for peeing, but it took probably a couple of months for her to get comfortable with going p**p on the potty.  Now she's an expert :)  Just be patient and let him work through it - give him lots of encouragement.

    Both my kids want company when they started with the big potty.  Even now, my daughter is almost 5 and there are still times that she wants company.  If your son wants company, stay with him and support him.  If he wants his privacy, he'll let you know and you can leave.

  7. Usually at that certain age, children don't like to be left alone. Don't bother yourself wit trying to fix it, it's most likely just a phase. My child had it too and after I stayed with him, he kind of got embarrassed and pushed me away! Don't worry Hon, it'll pass :)

    and I'm not taking about the p**p! LOL!

  8. My oldest is 7 he didn't get potty trained until 4-5 years old.  I started at 2 years.  Sometimes kids are afraid to do sometings.  They will do it in there own time.  I asked my doc what I was doing wrong and he said nothing just give it time.  He said that some kids talk early and walk late.....there brains are well developed but the motor skills are still developing.  Get some potty books and movies.  My son liked the bear in the big blue house dvd.  There is also some books at target about the potty.  does he have a small potty or do you put him on the big one?  some kids fell comfortable with things on there level.  Try reading the books while he sits on the potty.  If he has a stuffed animal or toy show him how fun it is to sit on the potty with his toy.  Singing songs can help ease some tention.

    Good luck!!!

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