
Why won't my tomatoes turn red?

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I have several tomato bushes that have produced many tomatoes but none of them have turned red. I have a couple different varieties like cherry and some kind of hybrid jumbo. But there are a few that were given to me that I know nothing about. Now, on to the problem. I planted them pretty late in the season, in late June or early July. While I have lots of Tomatoes, none of them are turning red. I went out this morning and found 2 red cherry tomato's and was very excited. But I have several very large tomato's that have been on the plant for quite a while that don't even have a hint of red to them. They are however, a very deep shade of green. I don't know if I should pick them or what I should do. Some of these very large tomato's have been on the vine for a couple of weeks.

Please help,

Desperate in Indiana.




  1. They won't start turning red until they have reached their full size. First the dark green will fade to a lighter colour, then the red will creep in.

    Very hot weather (over about 85 Fahrenheit) stops the production of the chemical resposible for the colour, so will put ripening on hold until the weather cools a little.

    If you squeeze one, you will feel it is very solid and hard. If you cut one you will find it not fully developed inside.

    Keep up the plant's water supply, don't wet the leaves, and just wait another week or two before colour starts to show.

    The ones you were given might be one of the several green varieties, but these are unusual, so they would have told you! Even these would have to lose that unripe greenness. I think you're just being impatient to try your own produce. ;-)


  2. All tomatoes have a cycle in their life . It takes a certain number of days from the time the plant is inserted into the ground to the time it bears fruit and until the time it is ready to harvest. You can pick some prematurely and let them ripen on the window sill or you can leave them on the vine and ripen naturally. The latter gives you that sweet tasting , succulent tomato that you cannot find in the grocery store. Just picked several from the garden prematurely because the turkeys, deer, rabbits and other wild life were eating all the ripe ones.

  3. give them time. You planted them a little late.

    If you're really wanting one to turn red, pick it and place it in a window sill for a few days.

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