
Why won't our government mandate emissions cuts and try to exercise the use of more biofuels?

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As such, why do so many people just sit by and just watch the debate, silently fuming, or otherwise don't even educate themselves on what's going on?

The time has come for society to make the changes they want to see.

"...And that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."




  1. they have mandated emission cuts.  There is a delicate balance between environmental control and the economy.   When a solution (which they are working on the world over) comes forth that is more economical than what we have, without say starving the planet, or ruining the world economy or fails every safety standards we've ever implemented, it will happen .  What do you proposed we do with the billion or so cars we have running right now?

  2. Such changes are not so easy. They effect the lively hood of so many people so they have to be gradual balance the economic effects .

  3. the federal government is locked up by partisan politics right now.  there isn't going to be any solution coming from them.

    Petition your state government.  Educate yourself on what they can do to help solve these problems.  Look to what California is doing and who is joining them in their efforts.  

    It's much easier to influence the state government than the federal government, and if enough states band together, then the feds will have to capitulate.

  4. They won't mandate it because it isn't pheasible. We are attempting to start the process though by raising the minimum fuel efficiency requirements.

  5. Hello!

    Your question as to why the US is not adhering to international environmental legislation regarding emissions is almost impossible to answer. The reasons could range from governmental indifference towards the issue, to other fundamental problems such as awareness, red-tapism etc.

    Sadly, the US is the second biggest polluter in the world. Furthermore, the US refuses to sign the Kyoto Protocol - a protocol to establish minimum emission norms.

    Clearly, the US is indifferent towards the above-mentioned issues. The onus is clearly with the US Government and the people (however, I believe the two are one & the same).



  6. The biggest issue is costs.  These emissions cuts will raise unemployment, raise energy costs (increasing inflation), reduce tax revenues to the government - and likely not do any good.

    Are you willing to sacrifice your job?

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