
Why won't people move down the carriage and make use of all available space?

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Why won't people move down the carriage and make use of all available space?




  1. Because if you crowd by the doors it's easier to get out, and of course it easier to hold on. (This is the tube I'm talking about of course)

  2. Because they have an inbuilt fear that once they have made use of all available space they won't be able to move back towards the doors again!!!!  Its anxiety that they wont be able to get off at their stop and their whole lives will implode because they didn't get out at the right stop, etc.........LOL!!!

  3. It will get better when people become more civilized and considerate.

    Lead by setting the example of moving down the carriage.

    There are a couple of caveats though. If the space is too crowded, then it is likely not to happen.

    If the timing between the door open and close is very short, then it is going to be worse.

    The baseline is animal instinct of everyone for himself or herself.

  4. people are inconsiderate and selfish

  5. because they're ignorant?

  6. laziness

  7. selfishness, they want to be able to get off easily at their stop and don't care about all the people getting on, the best is when you ask them to move down and they pretend not to hear you so you have to actually tap them on the shoulder adn ask them, it's just plan rude

  8. The same reason someone sits on their own in an area designed for 6 people and then give you evils when you try and sit there

  9. I don't know....

    But I seriously want to scream at people who don't.  Especially when you ask politlely, and they just stare at you, then begrudgingly SLOWLY move down.  

    Are people really thick?  You KNOW there are going to be a lot of people getting on the train... Why not just move all the way down when you first get on?  Then there wouldn't be this slow domino effect shuffle at each stop and maybe a few more people would get to work on time. holes.

    Sorry, it really annoys me!!

  10. because some people are just idots

  11. It's something to do with interpersonal space, boundaries and suchlike.

  12. maybe because when they got on the train they didn't need to go down the train and had found a comfortable place to stand / lean so don't want to lose it

  13. because people wont, why dont you just move down the carraige?

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