
Why won't spirits talk to me?

by  |  earlier

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I know they are there, they always lead me to a channel when something goods on.

but I would like to talk to them directly and not assume so much




  1. some people see & hear them some people don't

  2. I agree with Amy. Sprits are at a frequency most of us can't hear. I've had my hearing attuned (by my spirit guides) so that I can hear them and it's still not easy. To hear them outside of my head (like I'd hear you were I to call you on the phone) I have to vibrate higher, and they have to vibrate a little lower and I have to be in the right frame of mind. BUT... I can also hear their voices in my mind. It sounds like my own voice, it isn't a different. Pay attention to your thoughts when you start talking to them and asking them questions.

  3. Have you tried asking a few questions with the tape recorder running? Try it and tell me they still  won't talk to you. Also leave it running one night , see what you get and let us know.Most of these spirits are very willing to speak to you. Sometimes you will have imprints in your house., These are not interactive spirits, it is like a video recording of an occurance of something that just plays over and over again. You can  not interact with it....   because there is no being of conciousness behind it. Maybe that is why they won't talk to you.

  4. spirits always talk to you, but they are living in a different world our senses limit us from hearing them. that's why people with extra sense like "sixth sense" can hear and see spirits.

  5. hmmm. maybe they only come out when the so called "humans" aren't around. if there are any "humans" where you live, maybe u can tell them to go away and then try channeling the spirits.

  6. They don't talk to you because you don't believe in them.  It's the same thing with me.  I just wish I had some that would lead me to the good TV programs.  Better yet, I would be happy to sign over discretionary control of the DVR recorder.

  7. Send them an e-mail

  8. What you can't hear them!?  Maybe their snobs! Maybe they only let you know about the shows they want to watch.

  9. well i want my gurding angels to speak with me, but when the time is right they will

  10. try harder.

  11. Because you are fortunate.

    Peace of mind is better than spirits any day of the week. Besides people communicate much better through conventional means anyway.

  12. Mny times  when a  spirit   talks  its  through  a  medium.and  many  times  the  medium  has  to  ba  in a  trance  for  this  to  happen  so  you  would  not  even be  awareb what  is being  when you  "channel  "  information   its  good  to have  a  guide  next  to you .

  13. Give them cookies or popcorn. That will definitely give them some energy they need to talk.

  14. you are not a chosen one

  15. Maybe,they think you aren't ready to understand them.They are afraid,and think maybe you are too.I don't know,but,make sure they are the right kind.

  16. they dont want to talk to you cause you wanna talk to them..

    maybe they want to talk to such person that have no interest with them..

  17. Talking to ghosts/spirits is serious business and shouldn't be undertaken lightly.  Just keep it simple, say thanks when they lead you to a good channel and see what develops!

  18. It's hard to say from the limited information you've given. However, I could suggest a couple things. Perhaps the spirits are not satisfied with the selection of channels being offered by your current TV service. Do you have cable or satellite? Consider switching to a different subscriber package. You might also want to consider getting a DVR to record while you're asleep or at work. There may be some shows that the spirits would like to watch that you're missing. If the spirits are happy with the entertainment they are receiving, they are more likely to be open to communicating with you about the shows you want to watch. I think they're just looking for a little give and take.

  19. we talking 'mineral spirits'?  sorry, son, but the inanimate don't talk much.

    if you meant 'alcoholic spirits'... a fine wine often has a LOT to say to the right person.

    my best advice is:  don't watch TV... don't do drugs... hug your mom.

  20. Each person has a means of communicating with spirits, all they have to do is develop that ability.  Also, it is important to note that you cannot communicate with every spirit floating around out there.  To aid your possibly of talking to a spirit, try deep mediation.  When you enter a deep meditative state you will find you are able to experience more because your mind is more open and relaxed.   Please understand too that spirits do not always communicate by words, look for other forms of communication coming your way as well.  Good luck and many blessings to you.

  21. because they don't like u

  22. well at least you dont need the remote anymore. Just think of all the batteries they are saving you.

  23. I think maybe your not doing enough sounds like your almost there but not quite.

  24. umm maybe you should do a dance or something to Chanel there energy towards you. But then again I don't have much experience with sprints, yeah that's what you called them. haha or maybe you should lay off the drugs. :)

  25. Well... yes of course, it only makes sense that your channel changing abilities must prove the existence of spirits. Have you considered that they may have no interest in talking to you? Rather, they just want you to flip the channel so they can watch something good?

  26. Some people say that people have a "spirit guide" and "guardians"..and also that there are other spirits and spirits of dead relatives etc. around...and angels. I think if even one of these is around shouldn't be doing anything you wouldn't want them to see or watching anything you know you shouldn't watch...or doing drugs or drinking alcohol or looking at bad magazines.(I think your mother will be happy I told you this!)

    EDIT..I didn't say all that to "make fun of you"...I said it 'cause I meant it.!

  27. How are they leading you to change channels?

    Maybe that is the only form of communication they need with you!

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