
Why won't the Phils fire Charlie already?

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This team is so far gone anymore,i don't think he can get them back to a good team...I know all the other Phils fans i know agree he needs to go.




  1. because he has them 1 game back ..

  2. That would be dumb.

    Charlie has led the Phillies to a good record.

    Just because they lost today doesn't mean you should be asking for Charlie's head.


  3. if players like jimmy rollins would actually hustle [by that i mean running not walking to first base] maybe it would light a fire under the team.

  4. Can you give me a reasonable explanation for wanting to fire a manager that has brought this team to a winning record so far this season, he isn't the one who hits or pitches he just coaches and the Phillies are not playing well. Teams go into slumps all the time, understand that.

  5. There is good and bad about charlie.......The bad thing about him, is, he does not get very emotional and does not put enough fire into this team when they need it. If it takes a guy like j-roll to say "were gonna win 100 games" or "we're the team to beat" and the manager can't say something like that himself or even show confidence in his team....he isn't emotional enough - On the other hand, he does "lay down the law" for his team. He demands respect. Benching the NL MVP for being late to a game or not running out a fly ball, takes guts, i guarantee if this were a-rod, joe giradi would not bench him and he would cut him a break, so in this case manuel isn't afraid to do things to keep "order". And for the person who said we're fairweather? no were not, manuel can still be extremely stupid sometimes (putting gordon in, in a tie/1 run game in the 8th or taking burrell out in a tie game) but he also demands respect and the past 2 years has led the phillies to winning records. P.S. to the guy above......pitching isnt the problem, if you have been watching the phillies havn't given much run support to thier think again

  6. Wow, speak for yourself.

    Charlie Manuel is a great manager for the group of guys on the team. They are all lighthearted fun guys, and I've heard them talk about how awesome Charlie is for them and how well he handles things. He is awesome with pitching matchups and gives everyone a chance to play. He brought the Phillies to the playoff for the 1st time in 14 years and he did that in an amazing way. He's held the team up and they've been working to get out of this slump. He's not angry all the time, but he isn't afraid to handle his tema and discipline [bench] players, regardless of status, when necessary. He's the best coach to happen to this team since Jim Fregosi.

    The Phils not playing well is their own fault. Maybe he isn't firing them up enough, but in his defense, he's used to Rollins doing that on his own, he just hasnt been. Charlie can't go out there and swing the bats for them. Sorry to let you down, but Charlie's not going anywhere anytime soon.

  7. I find it funny how very fairweather the Phillies fans are. Last year they were calling for Manuel's head. Then they went on a tear at the end. This season everyone loved him. Now they start losing some more, and all of a sudden he's the worst manager ever. You people are unbelievable...

    Another team would love it if you did fire him, because they would snatch him up. Just face it that your pitching is not good enough to withhold a late season comeback by the Mets, Marlins, and Braves...and that is not the manager's fault. I hope the Phils keep falling, and the Nats pass them. Maybe then, one of the last honorable men in Philadelphia (Charlie Manuel) can leave the city.

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