
Why won't the Russians lay off?

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C'mon, it's the Olympics, why can't they just wait until after?




  1. The conflict of Georgia with Russia is complex, volatile and highly dangerous, at least for those living in the region.

    Claims are being made and denied, and counter claims made and also denied.

    It's difficult to take sides with the Russian actions. The Russian area of Chechnya is in the same Caucasus region.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Chechen-Ingush ASSR was split into the Republic of Ingushetia and proclaimed the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, which sought independence. The militants were Islamic separatists'.

    Russia was not a willing partner and a very violent and bloody war occurred, often referred to as the First Chechen War, which lasted from 1994-96.

    Something like a total of 41,500 were killed, Russian military, Chechen militants, and civilians which account for 35,000.

    The Second Chechen War was from Oct 1999 to Feb 2000 and Russia regained control over Chechnya.

    The Russians defeated a separatist movement in its own country so the Russian attitude over the Georgian South Ossetia is odd.

    Mountainous South Ossetia, which is in Georgia, is separated from North Ossetia, which is in Russia, by the border between the two countries running high in the Caucasus.

    The Ossetians are believed to be descended from tribes which migrated into the area from Asia many hundreds of years ago and settled in what is now North Ossetia. They aren't Russians but recently they were given Russian passports so Russia could call them Russians.

    Over the past months, Russia placed a large number of troops and tanks on the Russian Georgian border claiming it was only a military exercise. Russia was planning this current invasion for many months and why did they invade on the day of the opening of the Beijing Olympics? Did they think the world media would give the invasion less attention?

    The Russians claim they have invaded to protect their "Russian citizens" in South Ossetia and if that was the case why are they bombing other Georgian cities and ports outside of what is called the conflict area. The people of South Ossetia started moving their children to North Ossetia about one month ago, did they know the Russian invasion was coming?

    Russia has invaded an independent country against the wishes of that country.

    I suspect the Russian resentment is greater than the need to protect it so called "Russian citizens" in South Ossetia, and is probably more to do with Georgia becoming pro western and wishing to become a full member of NATO. That is unlikely to happen any time in the near future.

    Most of Georgian trade is with Russia, and it buys Russian gas and oil and it would be very easy for Russia to stop the flow of both. Many Georgians work in Russia, sending home money to support their families. Those Georgians could be expelled by Russia who have already canceled all air flights.

    The Japanese Self Defense Forces discovered a Russian spy ship off the coast of Okinawa where 25,000 U.S. Marines are stationed.

    The 4,500 ton Russian spy ship was moving and stopping repeatedly in the high seas some 30 to 60 kilometers east of the island from around 2 p.m. Wednesday. The vessel stopped its engine and began floating at around 3 p.m. on Thursday, at a point some 70 km east of the southern tip of the island. May be they were trying to intercept radio messages to and from the U.S. military bases in Okinawa.

    The trigger for the fresh escalation began last weekend, when South Ossetia accused Georgia of firing mortar rounds into the enclave after six Georgian policemen were killed in the border area by a roadside bomb. As tensions grew, South Ossetia began sending women and children out of the enclave.

    Georgia is calling up its reserve military forces which includes many young men. If Russia were to engage in a full-on military conflict with Georgia, analysts say, the battle probably would be protracted and bloody

  2. they are becoming the way they have always really been . Putin is KGB and is the man with the power. It was a perfect time for them to strike. they planned this out for months and the CIA knew this was going to happen. With all the passive liberals who live in the USA and think we can just talk nice to the bad guys and they will change are the group of people who will destroy America some day. We should be sending troops into there today.

  3. Because it was Georgia who started the invasion in the day of Olympics's opening. Those who killed 2 000 of civilians and 10 Russian peacekeepers.

    Southern Ossetia needs help. And Russia is helping it.

  4. Why should Russia stand by and let free people be taken over by Georgia?  Olympics or not.  Would we stand by and let the Dominican Republic invade Puerto Rico - just because its the Olympics?



  5. they figured all eyes are on china, let's do it.

  6. its summer its easier for the tank to advance and less vodka , its always cheaper to hav war in summer , no snow & mud too.

    Maybe its another olympic , who can kill more.

    georgia and its sponcor are to blame.

  7. The question can be reformulated: why Georgia has decided to begin its cowardly offensive on Olympics opening day? Maybe they simply wanted to use that Olympic pause for their dirty ends?

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