
Why won't the US remove its trade embargo on Cuba?

by  |  earlier

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I mean...we trade with China, and they're "commies".

Wouldn't removing trade embargos and travel restrictions be mutually beneficial?




  1. You go tell that to the Cubans living in Miami.

  2. maybe if obama wins in november this will be part of his "change"

  3. Actually, we only still trade with China because we have such a massive debt with them. That's a bit of an exaggeration but it is partially true. We owe so much money to China that realistically they should cut us off and go to war with us over this money. However, since we are their biggest trade partner, they can't do that because then they'll never get paid, so they are forced to simply continue trading. Meanwhile, as long as we keep trading they keep making money and we keep making goods. This is not the same as with Cuba where we owe them nothing and therefore can boss them around.

  4. You bet it would be beneficial but there is a group of powerful ex pat Cubans mostly in Miami area that have a strong lobby in Washington DC who put pressure on the government to not allow it.  Cuba presently has a wonderful tourist industry and people from Europe, Canada, Mexico , So America go there and love it. it will be fine without the US

  5. It all goes back to the missile crisis and Castro.  Politics really.

  6. I don't know, it just seems to be tradition. I think we are still sore about them whipping our butts. Its really stupid, we really need to start up trade.

  7. Koooommmunissstss..

  8. to appease a handful of rich and powerful cuban exiles in the all important swing state of Florida. Yes it would and we should Castro is a bad man ( if alive ) but no worse then the Chinese or countless other foul regimes whe deal with or the case of the saudis prop up

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