
Why won't the United States government help the fine black people in Rwanda and Kenya?

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There is a genocide going on in Rwanda and Kenya that has killed 4 million people in 5 years. No one gives a darn because they are black and oil poor and there is no ulterior motive to helping them that would benefit the US politically, strategically or economically. No one cares about them because they are black, and for some reason the US politicians don’t value their lives like a Caucasian persons life.




  1. I don't think we should overthrow either because

    1) We already overthrew Iraq, and we're not getting out for a while

    2) See above, but with Afghanistan

    3) See above, but in the near future and Iran

    4) We would also have to overthrow Sudan (Darfur)

    But on your points, it is totally true. Nobody cares about them because nobody really knows about these things...people only care about tax cuts and Iraq.

    We need to get less ignorant of a nation and do something about these things (that and stop global warming, get out of Iraq, get a surplus on the budget, get better health insurance, build better infrastructure and we really are screwed aren't we?


    And if we count all of the overthrows we would be doing at once, we would have  6, and I doubt that would work well.

  2. The U.S. needs to worry about it's own problems before it worries about any other country's.

  3. AID is going there, the USA is the World single largest provider of AID throughout.  Including Rwanda and Kenya.

  4. We have too many things going on in other countries right now. Our military is stretched really thin fighting wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Why should it always be the US responsibility to stop genocide from occurring. Can't the other countries in the world step up and do something?

  5. The U.S. Government only helps other countries out when it is beneficial to them.  

  6. The people of those countries don't like us, and they are all screwed up and you can't save someone from themselves. You replace one murdering piece of garbage and who will take his place? Another murdering piece of garbage with followers who are just like the other guys followers.

    Why should we value the lives of those who don't value life. It has nothing to do with color. If we save them from one situation they will just start another one. One is just as war like as another, so what's the use? Are you saying that if someone is going to abuse other people we should kill them?  If you want to stop the problem over there you'd have to kill them all, is that what you suggest?

    We learned something in Somalia which those with any brains already had learned. The people there don't like anyone, especially if they are not black. If you are white in those countries you are hated by nearly all the people. Somalians came from all over the city to kill our people who were trying to help. Civilians came to kill our guys, not just the war lords people. What is a natural and intelligent response to that? To heck with those people.

    The US never said they would destroy all dictatorships in the world, that is completely fabricated.

    You can get all angry and indignant about the injustice of it all, but why should the US do what isn't in their interest? Spend Billions and not solve any problem?

    We are already sending food and medical help in the Billions all over the world, including in places which won't benefit us, to people who will always take it for granted and hate us anyway. I think we should stop that. Listening to the idiots who complain about the US, which gives more than any other country by far, it obviously doesn't get us any good will. We are the best people in the world for helping others out, yet those we help and others who don't lift a finger don't appreciate it at all. Heck with them. Why should we care what those ingrates and pea brained idiot fools think?

    Why don't you go over there and do what you can, and shut up about what others don't do? You're not doing anything about it are you? Why not?

  7. Who cares about those people we shouldnt. We are allready in a war. We dont need to spend more money we dont have helping out other countries. We should start minding our own business.

    Also it isnt our policy to over throw anyone at least upfront. Im sure our CIA has been involved with thing before. We need to solve our problem in the middle east. And stop diggint in others problems.

  8. They really don't care...Not oil  in it for them.

  9. What now YOU WANT THE US to police the world? Why not just the US? What about the great UN?

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