
Why won't the dentist let me get Invisalign?

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HELP i've been scheduled to get those traditional metal braces and i absolutely HATE them! I hate how they look and how uncomfortable they seem to be.

I'm 14 years old and going into highschool where most people already got their braces off. I wanted to get Invisalign but the dentist just said that i can't get them and he didn't tell me why.

I only have a couple of minor crooked top/bottom teeth. I really want to get Invisalign...can anyone tell me why i can't get invisalign?

(Note that i already have all my adult teeth, and all i have is a bit of crookedness that i want to correct)




  1. first you should just ask him/her why. if the answer is valid proceed and if not, get another opinion. although it seems as if they don't offer it, or you will not benefit from it. i do agree with the other poster that if it was too early and he/she should have waited, that's a serious problem.

    you have options with new colors and invisible braces as well, ask about the options you have with traditional braces 'other than 'metal mouth' which, im sure, is what you want to avoid. good luck.

  2. Maybe your dentist doesn't use Invisalign as a way of correcting tooth position.  If you are so opposed to getting traditional brackets and wires, maybe you should ask him more directly why you can't get Invisalign.  maybe you need to see someone else to get what you want.

  3. Hi, I just got back an hour ago from my consultation with my ortho.  I'm 14 and getting them on in 3 weeks! So I know were your coming from!  I really wanted invisilign but because of my overbite I could not get them either!  I was so sad.  I'm getting self ligation In-Ovation braces for 2 years!  When I get them off I can drive myself to the appointment ( which when I think about it I want to cry!)  Only a small percentage can get them.  If you really hate your braces that bad you should get clear.  Thats all I can tell you,  I hope I helped,  In a way I feel better not being the only 14 year old. ;-)  Good luck!

  4. I am 21 and have braces...I am not complaining because I know my teeth are going to be lovely after.

  5. you probally need something more than regular braces (i.e. an expander, rubber bands that connect to you top and bottom)

    braces really arent that uncomfortable. and as long as you keep them clean and brushed they dont look very bad. this is my second time around and i dont find them THAT unpleasent.

  6. Hun, there's more to braces then just straitening teeth believe it or not. They're used to correct the alignment of the gums also. Or the arch of your mouth. You may have an overbite and he may want to put braces on you along with the rubber bands to fix that. You can't fix all those things and a lot more with Invisalign.

    Invisalignis only used for teeth. Not gums, or your jaw, or anything else that may be there bothering your teeth, such as your tongue. I know that sounds weird, but it's true lol.

  7. just a small percentage of patients can straighten their teeth with invisalign-Sometimes it is not just the teeth that need to be straightened-maybe the arch of your mouth needs to be expanded? or other areas to make more room-Your orthodontist would give you Invisalign if he could-be thankful he is givng you the best advice for your situation-he could just take your parents money for something that really would not work the best for you!

  8. They aren't uncomfortable. They feel like braces. If your insurance is covering it, they may not pay for invisalign. There are plenty of reasons. Relax already. I know people who are going into HS and they're getting braces.  

  9. 14 is a perfectly okay age to get braces, metal or not. nobody's going to be poking fun at you for having braces when you're still just a teenager, so don't worry.

    also, i've been told that in most cases, invisalign just doesn't work, and it's very hard to maintain. mostly only adults get invisalign because maybe when they were a child, they didn't get metal braces, and being an adult with braces might be embarrassing in some situations.

    don't spend so much time worrying about this - it's fine at your age to be getting metal braces, and they won't be that bad.

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