
Why won't they give you healthcare?

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Why won't they give you healthcare?




  1. Same reason they won't GIVE you food.

  2. Why don't they give me a house , a car , food , and money to go spend??????   (OH YEAH ITS NOT A FREE FOR ALL)

  3. Socialized medicine is available in some countries like Canada, Sweden, U.K., Germany, and France.  

  4. I don't understand your question.

  5. who are "they"?

  6. Come up to Canada - we'll give you healthcare...

  7. Who?

    Later edit:

    Oh, you mean, why doesn't the USA have a free healthcare system?

    I personally think this situation is bad and anybody defending it has not been (yet) through life's challenges and life's hard times. I guess because they think everything that is close to socialism (like free healthcare for all) is just one step to communism. If you want to see an interesting documentary about the situation I recommend Sicko from Michael Moore.

  8. Who is "they"?  Personally my husband, my daughter and myself has health care insurance through his employer.  It's definitely not GIVEN to us though.  We pay for it.

  9. Socialized medicine is a total nightmare; we have seen how countries who have it have fared, and ti is a nightmare. No thinking person in the USA wants it.

  10. Depends on what country your in.

    If you have a steady job and are not CURRENTLY in bad health in American then you can get health care. It's available to everyone who works for it. Period. If you don't have it, then I suggest you go out and try to get it because you don't want to be like my uncle who now has cancer, 47 years old and no health insurance so he's dependent on others to raise money for him. I love my uncle and I wish he hadn't done what he did and it hurts the family and loved ones just as much as it hurts the person affected.

    -Later gator-

  11. Who is "they"?  I have heard people from the US talking about going to Canada for "better healthcare" and I have heard of Canadians coming to the US for "better healthcare".  Free healthcare would be just like what the US government offers it's citizens.  You get the doctors who passed with a C or D and get poor healthcare.  When we grew up our dentist wouldn't give pain killers of any kind to children because the government wouldn't pay for it and you could hear the kids screaming two blocks away.  Is that what you want?

  12. How about we starting earning what we want, instead of demanding that people hand us what we want?

    I really don't see what is so wrong with this concept.

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